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 ( chapter thirty five )

 ( chapter thirty five )PAYBACK

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Syd stood by watching as Kenny hit a dummy over and over again. Sensei Kreese and Sensei Silver had told everyone to practice while they left for a bit and that's exactly what they all did. Everyone was still heated from the prior night and it was all they could all talk about. "They know beside Syd that you and I are the biggest threats. But they also know we can't risk violating probation while Syd won't attack without forming a plan." Robby spoke, looking at Tory as he tried to figure something out.

"We need to get them somewhere no one is around." Tory replied, Robby shrugging lightly in return. "We need to surprise them. We keep repeating attacks and they're starting to get used to them." Syd spoke. "You're right." Robby nodded.

"Listen up. Gather round." Sensei Silver spoke, walking back into the dojo with Sensei Kreese on his tail. Syd could tell he was heated about something, hoping this gathering would enlighten her. "We just had a little powwow with the Sensei's at Miyagi-Do. From here on out, there'll be no more fighting until the tournament." Sensei Silver explained. Syd frowned, not understanding why they'd make that deal after what had just happened. "So our enemies humiliated us, and we have to back down and take it?" Tory questioned, angry.

"Of course not. We should always show our enemies no mercy." Sensei Kreese replied. "But there's a time to fight. No need to waste a punch if it's not gonna score a point." Sensei Silver countered. Syd watched as Sensei Kreese's face fell, only growing more confused. He'd taught them that the real world had no points and now they were being told to only attack if you can score a point. It didn't make any sense.

Sensei Silver looked back at the teens. "So, if your enemies do something to mess with you or laugh in your face, good! Take all that anger and store it. Because you're gonna need it when the time comes. Is that understood?" Syd nodded, understanding. "Yes, Sensei!" They all spoke.

She watched as Sensei Silver sent Sensei Kreese a look before walking off. If they'd made a deal for no fighting it was obviously in everyone's best interest, which meant Syd would follow Sensei Silvers instructions. She'd take everything that had happened and everything that would happen and she would store it, using it to make her stronger.

When class was over Syd found herself face to face with Sensei Silver in the back room. She stood silently as he circled around her, waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to see. "You're one of the last remaining original students, isn't that right?" Sensei Silver questioned. "Yes, Sensei." Syd nodded, believing the only one left who'd been there as long as she had was Edwin.

"Why? Why stay when all of your friends stayed on the other side?" Sensei Silver continued to question. Syd quickly realized he was very similar to Sensei Kreese, always asking questions to gain more than just the answer. "Because unlike them I believe Cobra Kai makes me strong. I don't see a problem with the methods because the end results are exactly what I look for. I wanted to learn karate to be strong and take no shit, I get that here." Syd replied.

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