021 round two.

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 ( chapter twenty one )

Sydney laughed as she felt her back press against her couch, smiling up at the boy on top of her

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Sydney laughed as she felt her back press against her couch, smiling up at the boy on top of her. Everyone who'd been in the fight had gotten suspended for two weeks. Even though the whole thing got blamed on Miyagi-Do in the end after Robby pushed Miguel, the school wanted to show parents how seriously they were taking what had happened and punished everyone.

It wasn't so bad being suspended. Syd had the house to herself all day while her brother was at school, meaning she had the house to herself with her boyfriend.

Eli pressed his lips against Syds as he hovered over her, wrapping his arm under her waist to press her as close to him as he could. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling the rest of him closer to her as well. This had been how the two were spending most of their days off, but seeing as they'd be going back to school in the morning, they were taking full advantage of their time.

Syd then flipped Eli under her, straddling the boy as she let him use one hand to hold her hair back while his other explored under her shirt. She just went back to kissing him, quickly tying her hair back as they kissed so his other arm could be free and then moved her own hands under his shirt, pulling it off.

She pressed her palms onto his bare skin, smiling as she watched the boy under her loving every second of it. He then flipped her to the side so they were facing each other on the couch, pulling the girl as close as he could.

Syd had quickly realized it was a lot easier to make out when both of their wounds from the fight had almost fully healed. When they were new they both were quick to find out they had to be very careful.

They'd gotten lucky. The worst of it for Syd was bruising all over her face and a cut under her eyebrow while Eli had bruising and scratches everywhere. Syd also had a bruise on her side where her ribs were, but she barely felt it after a few days. She just found her thoughts circling back to Miguel often. He'd been in a coma for two weeks and as more time went on, the more people would tell her how sorry they were for her loss as if he was gone. It was horrible, and it didn't help that Keene had fled.

"What do you think... is gonna happen... when we're back tomorrow?" Syd questioned between Eli just connecting their lips again. He shrugged. "Round... two."

Syd rolled her eyes with a smile, closing them again as she just tried to get back into the mood. It happened a lot, the two would be having fun and then one of them would think of their friend and that would be it. Eli sighed, pulling away. "Thinking about Miguel?"

Syd frowned, wrapping her arms around the boys waist and resting her head on his chest. "Sorry." He slid his arm under her, pulling the girl closer to him as they both faced the ceiling. "Don't be. I get it." He placed a kiss on her head before sitting up, pulling his shirt back on. "Come on, let's watch a movie or something. Get our minds off it."

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