037 everyone has a weakness.

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 ( chapter thirty seven )

 ( chapter thirty seven )EVERYONE HAS A WEAKNESS

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Syd stood beside Tory, looking around at all their new gear. It was amazing what Sensei Silver had done for them. Everything in the dojo was high tech and ready to help them train to be the best fighters they could be. Robby had gone off to talk to an angry Kenny, it seemed the bullies at his school had stolen all of his clothes and forced him in the halls in just his underpants, and the boy was rightfully pissed. Syd and Tory had let Robby handle this one, seeing as he was Kenny's main help when it came to adding to his training.

"It's seriously amazing, all of it. We're gonna kick ass at the All Valley." Tory smiled. "I can't believe equipment like this even exists." Syd nodded, she agreed completely. "Only thing that sucks is that I'll be using it to train hard enough to defeat you at the All Valley." Tory joked, though she was only half kidding. She knew Syd was a hard competitor to beat, having been learning karate far longer than she had. She'd also beaten Sam, something Tory was still working on. It was going to be a hard competition.

Syd just laughed. "We'll see about that."

"Class, fall in." Sensei Kreese spoke, walking to the front of the room with Sensei Silver. Everyone fell in line, including all of the new students Sensei Silver had helped recruit. It was obvious most of them were in it because of the things Sensei Silver had bought and given them, but they were all strong athletes so Syd wasn't complaining. Even Moons ex-girlfriend Piper had joined the team and Syd knew she kicked ass in her sport.

Sensei Kreese looked around the room. "Today we have a very important lesson, don't we, Sensei Silver?" Sensei Silver smiled. "Yes, we do. Weakness."

"Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible." Sensei Kreese explained. "At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistake, we all have one." Sensei Silver made clear. Syd nodded, taking in their lesson. "Sensei Kreese doesn't." Tory replied, looking between the two.

It was true, Syd had never seen the man display any kind of weakness. Everything he did just showed how strong he was. "Of course he does. We all do." Sensei Silver replied. "Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it? All right, prepare for combat." Sensei Silver finished, allowing everyone to move to prepared for their fights.

When the time to prepare was over, the two Sensei's had everyone sit down around the mat. They'd each choose a competitor and those two would fight, searching for weakness as they went. Syd sat waiting patiently for it to finally be her turn, not knowing which Sensei would choose her when. She'd been spending lots of time with Sensei Silver training, but she'd always had a closer relationship to Sensei Kreese than most got to have.

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