016 the world according to kreese.

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 ( chapter sixteen )

Sydney was not happy as she went up and down again and again doing burpees

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Sydney was not happy as she went up and down again and again doing burpees. Sensei Lawrence had asked who vandalized Miyagi-Do and when no one confessed, that's when the burpees begun. "This could all be over in an instant. The decision's yours! Who trashed the Miyagi dojo? Y'all know I'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here. At least not anymore. So, I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?" Sensei Lawrence questioned.

"It was not me, Sensei. I would never disrespect another man's dojo—" Raymond spoke. Syds frown deepened, resisting the urge to roll her eyes to save energy. "Shut your cakehole, Chubs. I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for answers!" Sensei Lawrence yelled.

Miguel stood, breathing heavily. "Sensei, we really don't know who did it." He went back to doing his workout. "Somebody knows something. Question is... who's gonna break?" Sensei Kreese spoke. Syd paused for a moment as she saw Sensei Kreese and Eli make eye contact, only further proving the theory she'd come up with. She then caught the older Sensei's gaze, going right back to burpees.

The phone in Sensei Lawrence's office then began to ring. "Keep going. We can do this all day." Sensei Lawrence yelled, moving to go check the call.

"Sensei, we need a water break." Mitch spoke, looking at Sensei Kreese. Syd had never been more thankful that he was apart of Cobra Kai than that moment. "Two-minute break! Get your bearings." Sensei Kreese decided.

Syd and Tory grabbed onto each other, both wobbling over to their stuff. Syd turned around for a moment to catch Eli talking quietly to Sensei Kreese and she frowned, going back to her stuff and grabbing her water. "I don't think I've ever been more tired then I am right now." Tory gasped out, leaning against the wall for stability.

Syd nodded, taking her water bottle out of her mouth. "I have to stop myself from just downing all the water in here right now." Eli made his way back over, making eye contact with Syd before looking away as she gave him a confused look.

"Okay everybody. Breaks over, let's move it to the back." Sensei Kreese spoke. Syd looked around and noticed Sensei Lawrence was gone and when they walked past his office, he wasn't there either. "Miss McKinley. A word in the office?" Sensei Kreese asked. Syd nodded. "Yes, Sensei."

"Everybody choose a workout and don't stop until I'm back." Sensei Kreese spoke, leading Syd into the office before having her take a seat and sitting across from her. "Am I in trouble, Sensei? Because I promise I had nothing to do with Miyagi-Do. You can check the cameras at my house for proof." Syd rambled.

Sensei Kreese put a hand up, silencing the girl. "You're not in trouble and I know you didn't do it." Syd looked at him confused. "Then why—"

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