022 new face of cobra kai.

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 ( chapter twenty two )

"Life isn't always fair

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"Life isn't always fair. Sometimes the world can be cruel. And that's why you have to learn to be cruel yourselves. Weakness is unacceptable. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle. But you will not lose again. Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us. And it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back and we will strike hard! Is that clear?" Sensei Kreese asked, looking around.

"Yes, Sensei!" The class yelled, getting back into their mindset Sensei Kreese somehow always knew how to bring out of them. "I can't hear you!" Sensei Kreese spoke. "Yes, Sensei!" They yelled louder. Syd smirked, she needed to be reminded what was at stake, and that was exactly what Sensei Kreese did.

At the end of class Syd watched as Eli helped Bert with blocks. "Class. You worked hard today. So before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for you." Sensei Kreese spoke. Everyone gathered watching as he pulled a mouse out from behind his back. Syd smiled lightly, it was really cute. "I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine."

"Aw. Cool. What's its name?" Bert wondered. "I don't know. What should it be?" Sensei Kreese asked. "Hawk Junior." Eli immediately answered with a smile. Syd laughed lightly, rolling her eyes. "Anything but that." Eli lightly shoved her in reply, grabbing the girls hand and holding onto it after. "Bert, what do you think?" Sensei Kreese asked.

"Um... Clarence?" Bert replied. "Clarence. Good. Here, take him." Sensei Kreese handed the smaller boy the mouse, everyone watching as Bert looked at the little thing. "He's so cute, guys."

"You know, it's almost lunchtime." Sensei Kreese realized, Bert perking up. "Ooh, can I feed him?" Sensei Kreese frowned. "No." He then moved to a box shaped item covered by a black cloth. "But you can feed him." Sensei Kreese removed the cloth, showing everyone the cobra inside. Syd frowned, squeezing Eli's hand lightly as she realized what was happening.

"Uh... What does he like to eat?" Bert questioned, making Syds frown deepen as she watched the boy hold the mouse close. "He likes to eat... Clarence." Sensei Kreese replied, looking at the boy. "It's okay. Come on." Sensei Kreese ushered, noticing the hesitation. "Come on."

Bert took a small step forward. "C'mon." Bert took another step before standing beside the glass cage. "There you go." Sensei Kreese nodded, opening the hatch to let Bert drop Clarence in. Bert stood there for a moment, looking at Clarence before sighing. "I can't."

Sensei Kreese smiled, taking the mouse from the boy. "That's okay. I understand. Clarence is your friend. It's okay to object. Who else objects?" Syd felt the urge to raise her hand, not feeling very good about murdering an innocent mouse. Almost as if he knew, Eli squeezed her hand to let her know not to move. That was when she realized this was a test and kept her hand down.

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