018 the date.

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 ( chapter eighteen )

The two had decided on Friday for their date as Syd stretched with Tory while Miguel did the same with Eli, it seemed the two boys made up after the events of the day prior and Syd was happy about it

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The two had decided on Friday for their date as Syd stretched with Tory while Miguel did the same with Eli, it seemed the two boys made up after the events of the day prior and Syd was happy about it. "So, what's going on there?" Tory asked, smiling as she watched her friend stare at the boy. "I don't know what you mean." Syd replied, not even trying to move her gaze.

"Uh, huh. Sure, so... what happened?" Tory replied, laughing as she saw Syd finally turn to her. "We kinda kissed last night and we may be going on a date on Friday." Syd smiled. "I knew it would happen sooner or later. Now, I need all the details." Tory stated.

"So, you need a place to take her on Friday? I mean... can't you take her to some fancy restaurant?" Miguel questioned, watching as his friend stared past him and at the girl. It was good to see him taken out of the hardass mentality he usually was in. "Nah, man. I gotta find something we'd both enjoy. Somewhere I can talk to her and can keep my hair how it is." Eli replied. Miguel laughed. "Uh... what about the roller rink?"

"The roller rink?" Syd questioned lightly, looking at Tory. "Why would we go there?" Tory laughed lightly. "Well for starters, Miguel and I would be there so if things went horribly wrong or got awkward you could just hang out with us. And I'm working so I can give you guys a discount."

Syd smiled, shaking her head. "I'd have to talk to him about it." Tory shrugged. "No worries. It's also way easier to actually talk to someone and have fun there than some restaurant." Syd nodded, she had a lot to think about.

"What if you guys went to the roller rink? I heard it's 80s night." Miguel repeated. "That could work... not the 80s night part, but the roller rink doesn't sound too bad." Eli replied.

"Hey. Can I borrow him for a second?" Syd questioned, standing next to the two boys on the ground. "He's all yours." Miguel smirked, sending the girl a wink. She scoffed lightly, laughing as Eli followed behind her into the back room of the dojo. "So, what are your thoughts on Friday?" Syd wondered.

"Uh, how good are you at roller skating?" Eli responded, watching as Syd laughed. "Miguel?" She questioned and the boy just nodded. "Miguel." Syd shrugged. "Can't say I'm exactly good but it does beat going somewhere super fancy. I say that's third or fourth date material. If you get there."

Eli just laughed, nodding. "Then how about I pick you up Friday around 6? Oh, and Miguel says it's 80s night." Syd smiled. "Sounds perfect. Oh, and I'm telling you now that is not happening. We can just wear whatever and make something up if someone asks." She didn't exactly want to be in costume on their first date.

"Has anyone ever told you how perfect you are?" Eli asked, staring at the girl. "Not enough." She replied, smiling as she pulled him in and kissed him. He was quick to kiss back before the girl pulled away. "Class time."

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