033 olivers new friend kenny.

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 ( chapter thirty three )

Syd stood in Cobra Kai working more on the Miyagi-Do style as Robby stood before them

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Syd stood in Cobra Kai working more on the Miyagi-Do style as Robby stood before them. She felt herself completely focused, mind void of any distractions as she moved her arms back and forth over and over again. She watched Robby like a hawk, mimicking his movements exactly as he did them.

"Mr. Keene. You have a visitor." Sensei Kreese spoke. Everyone stopped, looking toward their Sensei and the young boy who stood beside him. "You know this kid?" Tory wondered, just as confused as everyone else. Robby just shook his head.

"I—I—I'm Kenny. My brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help me." The boy, Kenny, spoke. Syd looked at the boy, wondering if this was the same Kenny her brother had befriended. Oliver had told her how Kenny had been getting picked on by some boys in their grade, but Syd had no way of knowing if this was the same boy.

Robby walked toward him slightly. "I didn't know Shawn had a brother. Is he out?" Kenny shook his head. "No. That's why I'm here. These a-holes keep hassling me. One of them knows karate, so—" The boy was cut off when Sensei Kreese took a step forward. "This is a dojo. You are interrupting my class."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Kenny spoke instantly, eyes wide. Syd figured this had to be the same kid, watching him. "Sensei. Shawn Payne was one of the toughest guys in juvie. Kicked my ass a few times." Robby spoke. Syd smirked to herself, thinking about how he wasn't the only one. Sensei Kreese just chuckled. "You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra Kai can teach you how. But you have to prove that you're worthy."

"How do I do that?" Kenny wondered. "Take your shoes off and get on the mat." Sensei Kreese directed. Syd didn't know what the plan was. This was a kid, not someone their own age. How could he prove himself against trained fighters 4 years older than him.

"Everyone, get in position." Sensei Kreese spoke. Syd instantly did as told, moving to her spot along the edge of the mat as she sat on her knees and leaned back. She stared forward, waiting for the next instructions. If anyone else had been there they would have thought they all looked like robots, waiting for the next command.

"All right, Mr. Payne. Let's see what you got. Mr. Park?" Sensei spoke, deciding on Kyler to take the boy on. Syd could have laughed, finding that out of all of them Kyler could be the easiest to defeat. Kyler went to stand, moving across the young boy. "But h-how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?" Kenny wondered, nervous. "To be a Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct. Fighting positions." Sensei replied.

Syd watched as both boys moved into their own positions. She had a feeling Kenny wouldn't be winning, but with age and training she could see him easily overpower Kyler. He just obviously wasn't there yet.

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