034 terry silver.

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 ( chapter thirty four )

 ( chapter thirty four )TERRY SILVER

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"Yo, guys. My boy Rory, he got some free tickets to the drive-in tonight. I think they're going old school with something called Bloodsport?" Kyler spoke, walking up to Syd, Tory, and Robby. "I know that movie. My dad left an old VHS at our place. For a while it was the only evidence I had that he existed." Robby replied. "I heard it's pretty dope." Kyler stated, ignoring all of what Robby had just said. "So, if you guys are in, let's do this."

Tory shrugged. "Depends on how late I have to work tonight. My new boss put me on the schedule for today. Guy's a total creep." Syd frowned, wishing she could do something to help her friend. Every time she offered Tory would get upset, talk about how she doesn't need handouts or pity. Syd just decided to only give if Tory ever asked after the 5th time.

"You got a new job? Where you working?" Robby wondered innocently. "It's none of your business." Tory shot back. "Okay." Robby frowned. Syd sighed, turning her attention to Kenny as he angrily walked through the door. "Look who made it." Robby spoke.

Kenny just moved between Robby and Tory, frowning. "What's up?" Robby wondered. "I was at the high school yesterday and these older kids started messing with me. This one guy told me I should quit Cobra Kai." Kenny explained. "Who was he?" Robby asked. "I don't know. He had this spiky red hair." Kenny further explained.

Syd frowned, watching as the three around her all looked between her and each other for a moment. "We still owe that Judas some payback." Tory vocalized. "Hell yeah." Kyler agreed, cracking his knuckles. "What do you say, Syd?" Tory asked, looking at the girl. "I'd rather not be included or even know what you're thinking. It's all still a bit... fresh." Syd spoke, choosing her words carefully. Yeah, she was pissed at him now for messing with Kenny and Cobra Kai, but Syd did not want any part of whatever Tory was thinking. Honestly, she was just hoping Tory would forget about it again like she'd done the last time.

Kenny just looked around confused, not knowing any context. "I'll catch you up later." Robby promised, patting the boy on the back. "Everyone fall in." Sensei Kreese suddenly spoke, walking into the room.

Syd did as told, moving to her spot as she waited for Sensei Kreese to start the days lesson. "As you know, our enemies are working together. They are combining their styles to beat us. But they are destined to fail. Because there is only one way. And what is that way?" Sensei Kreese asked. "The Way of the Fist, sir!" Everyone responded.

It had been programmed into their minds for months and it was almost automatic for Syd to reply with the answer. "Exactly. However, that doesn't mean that we can't double down. Class, meet Sensei Terry Silver." Sensei Kreese spoke, ushering toward the back where another man walked out. "Co-founder of Cobra Kai and one of the most ferocious fighters in the history of the sport. Together, we built Cobra Kai from the ground up, and now he is here to help you prepare for the All Valley."

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