004 new tables and rumors.

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 ( chapter four )

Before Syd knew it, it was lunch again the next day

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Before Syd knew it, it was lunch again the next day. She frowned as she thought of how the day had gone so far. Everywhere she turned people were talking about the video of Aisha and every time she saw the girl people were yelling "Cheeto Pig" at her. It only made Syd feel worse as her confidence to leave her friends shrunk.

She took her seat between Yasmine and Sam, sending Sam a smile as the girl sent Syd one. Yasmine and Moon were talking about something Syd didn't care about as Sam leaned toward her. "Hey. I'm glad you're giving it a chance." Syd nodded. "Yeah, we'll see."

"Have you guys seen the views on the video from last night? I've gone viral." Yasmine smiled proudly, looking between her friends. Syd frowned. "Don't you think it's cruel? I mean— people all over school keep calling Aisha "Cheeto Pig" when all she did was what everyone else at the dance was doing."

Yasmine rolled her eyes. "If she didn't want to be noticed she should have used some of daddy's money to fix that. It's not my fault my eye gets drawn to her when trying to enjoy the dance." Syds frown just deepened and as she looked at Sam, who was just looking away, she couldn't handle being at that table anymore.

"I can't do this right now." Syd spoke, grabbing her tray and standing. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Yasmine scoffed. "I just— I need a break." Syd decided, turning around and moving away from her table.

She looked around for a moment, not really knowing where she could even go. Luckily most people weren't looking at her, engrossed in their own lives. Some still stared, wanting to see what would happen next as they looked between Sydney and Yasmine's reaction.

And then she noticed a free table a little ways away with only three boys sitting at it, one of those boys being the boy with the lip.

Syd took a deep breath before walking toward the table, watching as all three looked between each other in confusion and what looked to be worry before she smiled lightly. "This seat free?"

"Well, actually—" One of the boys tried to speak, the dark-haired lanky one, before the boy on the other side of the boy with the lip cut him off. "Of— of course."

Syd sent a small grateful smile, pulling out the chair across from the three as she took a seat. She looked up to just see them all staring at her and she sent them an awkward smile. "Um... I'm Sydney."

The lanky dark haired boy looked at his friends for a moment before looking at her again. "Uh— we know." Syd bit her bottom lip as she nodded slowly, not really knowing what else to say.

"I'm Miguel." The other boy who let her sit spoke, smiling lightly. "And this is Demetri and Eli." He pointed to the lanky one before pointing at the boy with the lip and Syd just smiled toward both of them lightly. "It's nice to meet you guys."

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