036 different divisions.

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 ( chapter thirty six )

 ( chapter thirty six )DIFFERENT DIVISIONS

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Syd sat with her computer on her lap at Eli's as she looked at the newest update from the All Valley. The competition would now have different gender divisions. Two champions, one boy and one girl. She chuckled lightly, it seemed the road to champion just got a whole lot shorter.

She turned her head next to her, watching as Eli played some sort of game on his computer. He was a lot better this morning, but the gloomy mood and karate quitting stayed with him even a few days later. She moved closer to him and placed her head on his shoulder, looking back at her own computer as she finished reading how the competition would work.

She didn't bring it up to him. If he wasn't going to compete it didn't really matter much if there were separate divisions now.

She heard footsteps coming down the stairs, immediately assuming it was one of Eli's parents coming to check up on him after getting home or something and paid them no mind.

"Where the hell have you— what the fuck?" Demetri's voice suddenly sounded. Syd looked up, seeing the boy with his mouth wide open staring at the two. Her head shot up, panic flowing through her. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't know and no one else could either.

Eli looked toward the boy panicked as well. "How'd you even get in here?" Demetri stormed in front of the two, holding up a key. "Uh, your mom has left the key under the gnome since kindergarten. You should really think about increasing the security given, you know, the karate war. One that Miss Sydney right there is on the opposite side of!"

"You can't tell anyone." Eli spoke instantly, looking between the two. "Well why not? Would Cobra Kai frown upon fraternizing with the enemy?" Demetri scoffed, sending Syd a glare. She just sent him one back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, actually." Eli nodded. "Which is why we didn't tell anyone, okay? And neither can you." He continued.

Demetri shook his head. "I am not holding onto this kind of information. For one, she's kicked my ass more times than even you have. And two, this would destroy Cobra Kai." Syd frowned, only growing more and more fearful. Demetri had never had this kind of power over how things in her life played out before. He'd never been the one in control and she hated it.

Eli frowned. "Look, Syd and I decided we'd continue things in a way that only the two of us knew about. We didn't want to give up on this but if you go around and tell everyone, we'll have to." Demetri frowned in response. "But— but she's in Cobra Kai. We are actively in a war with them."

"Yeah. But I'm not in a war with her." Eli replied. Syd bit the inside of her cheek, trying her best not to smile while she looked at the boy. He met her eye, sending her a small wink before he looked back at Demetri. "Come on, man."

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