011 mercy.

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 ( chapter eleven )

Syd smiled as she watched Aisha film herself to post on her story

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Syd smiled as she watched Aisha film herself to post on her story. "So, you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship. The answer? Victory nachos!" Everyone cheered as Aisha continued. "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake ID." Syd smirked lightly from her spot next to Eli, who looked to Aisha. "Hey, don't talk about that. My parents follow you."

Aisha looked back at the camera. "Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz. Anyways, until next time, no mercy, bitches." Aisha ended the video, posting it to her story, before she sat down next to Demetri. Syd had found herself sitting between Eli and Moon, stuck in between the two as they both had wanted to sit with her. Her arm was linked with Moons as the two laughed quietly to themselves.

"I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party." Demetri smiled, going to put a nacho in his mouth. Before he could, Eli grabbed it. "Yeah, except you had nothing to do with the victory." He then stuck the chip in his own mouth. "Well, then I consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp." Demetri replied. "Remember?"

"Demetri and Eli. Binary brothers." Demetri sang, moving his arms around like a robot. All three girls laughed a bit. Syd found it cute that they'd gone to coding camp together, and that they had their own theme song. "Hey. Cool it with the nerd shit, huh?" Eli whispered to Demetri, making sure no one else heard.

Moon looked around. "Hey, where's Miguel? Those wings are getting cold." They all looked around for a moment, but Miguel had obviously gone off to be alone. "He can reheat them if he cares about them so much." Syd decided.

"Nope. Get up, McKinley. We're going to go find him." Eli replied, ushering both Moon and Syd to leave the booth so he could get out. Once out, Eli grabbed Syds hand, pulling her behind him as Aisha followed, leaving Demetri and Moon at the table.

The three walked around for a bit before finally finding Miguel at a tall table by himself, just staring at his phone. "El Serpiente, there you are." Eli smiled, continuing to pull Syd behind him as he made his way on Miguel's side and took a seat. Sydney took the seat next to him while Aisha took the one next to her, all three facing the boy. "This is how you celebrate a first-place trophy?" Aisha questioned.

"She blocked me." Miguel replied and they all instantly knew he meant Sam. "So, what happens when you get blocked? You counterpunch. Except maybe don't actually hit her this time." Eli spoke, laughing at his own joke at the end. Syd smacked his arm, rolling her eyes. "Ignore him, the hair dyes gotten to his brain." Syd spoke.

"What, too soon?" Eli questioned, looking between the two girls who both sent him unamused looks. "There will never be a time where it isn't." Syd replied.

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