015 seeing red.

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 ( chapter fifteen )

Sydney twiddled her thumbs lightly as she sat in the tattoo parlor with Eli as he got his tattoo fixed

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Sydney twiddled her thumbs lightly as she sat in the tattoo parlor with Eli as he got his tattoo fixed. He'd basically had to bribe her to even go with him, promising the girl that when they met up with the team for dinner after class that he'd pay for her. He wasn't really complaining, paying for her almost felt like a date and Eli wouldn't be mad about that.

"There you go, brother." Rico spoke, signaling to Syd that the job was done. Eli sat up, nodding to the man. "Thanks, Rico." Rico nodded. "See you soon, man."

Eli stood and walked over to Syd, turning around to show her the change. She liked it. He'd changed the color of his mohawk to red, so now the hawk on his back had made the change too. "It looks good."

"Yeah?" The boy questioned, stepping closer to Syd after turning back around. She felt her face go hot, suddenly affected by just how close they were. She didn't understand what was going on with her, but she wanted to figure it out quick. "Maybe one of these days I'll get something for you."

Syd smiled lightly, watching as Eli's eyes moved up and down her face. "Why would you do that?" He shrugged, feeling the confidence of the new color already working. "Why wouldn't I?"

Syd chuckled lightly, taking a small step back as she moved her hair behind her ears. "We should get going. We don't want to be late for class." Eli just smiled, nodding. "Okay." He turned his head. "Hey, asshole twins. Grab my bag. We're out."

Mitch and Chris nodded, racing to grab his stuff as they followed the two out of the parlor. For once Syd wasn't driving, Eli now having a license and his own car to prove it. So, they all got into the car with Syd in the passenger seat as he drove the four off to Cobra Kai.

When they made it inside, Syd changed into her gi and moved to sit by Tory, Eli sitting on her other side as they noticed everyone else already in said circle. It seemed the Sensei's were sparring, and Syd excitedly watched.

"You're a little rusty, Sensei." Sensei Lawrence spoke, catching Sensei Kreese's leg. They went back to exchanging punches, Sensei Kreese getting Sensei Lawrence in a headlock. "Okay, pay attention. He's got my neck, I've got his elbow. If I try to break out..." Sensei Lawrence started. "I dig in and I put him to sleep." Sensei Kreese finished, tightening his grip.

"If I go for his ribs..." Sensei Lawrence continued, demonstrating the move. "He completely exposes his chest." Sensei Kreese finished, showing how he could bring his knee into Sensei Lawrence's chest. "Two difficult choices. What do you do?" Sensei Lawrence asked the class.

No one replied, being answer enough before Sensei Lawrence kicked back, hitting Sensei Kreeses feet and sending them both to the ground. "You damn the consequences and you power forward." Sensei Lawrence answered for everyone. "You may get hurt, but nobody wins by doing nothing." Sensei Kreese added. "You make a choice. You make a move. You go... all in." Sensei Lawrence finished.

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