007 training for the all valley.

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 ( chapter seven )

If someone were to tell Sydney that she'd spend a Saturday morning at an old car lot preparing to throw tires, she'd probably laugh in their face

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If someone were to tell Sydney that she'd spend a Saturday morning at an old car lot preparing to throw tires, she'd probably laugh in their face. But that was exactly where Syd found herself as she watched Sensei Lawrence, waiting for any explanation as to what they were doing.

She knew it had something to do with the All Valley, that's all anyone had been able to talk about for weeks after finding out whatever ban had been put on Cobra Kai was lifted because of Sensei Lawrence. Syd was honestly excited, she felt like in the past few months she'd grown a lot and was ready to show it.

"You've trained hard." Sensei Lawrence spoke, cracking a beer. "You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" He questioned, standing on an old bus. "Yes, Sensei!" The group replied.

"Wrong!" Sensei Lawrence screamed, throwing the beer at their feet. Syd moved away quickly, watching as the beer hit other students. "Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!" Everyone replied again. "Are you losers?" Sensei Lawrence questioned. "No, Sensei!" Everyone replied. "Are you nerds?" He wondered. "No, Sensei!" Everyone replied. "Are you sure?" He tried to trick. Syd kept her mouth shut as she heard, "No, Sensei!" all around her. Sensei Lawrence sighed, slapping his hands onto his face. "Everyone, get ready to work harder than before. Let's move!" Sensei Lawrence instructed, jumping down from the bus he stood on and ushering for the teens to all follow behind him.

Syd looked at the mini training space Sensei Lawrence had created, with tires on the ground in a zig zag pattern. "Okay, line up!" Sensei Lawrence instructed. Everyone did as instructed instantly. "Diaz, Hawk, let's go!" Sensei Lawrence shouted and Miguel began doing high knees through the tires as Eli followed behind. "Move those feet. Go, go, go! Let's keep it up! McKinley, show us how it's done!"

Syd moved through the tires quickly, following behind Eli as everyone repeatedly went through the exercise.

Suddenly it was Aisha's turn again and Syd watched as if it was in slow motion as the girl tripped over her own feet. "Woah!" Miguel and Eli went down right after her, both landing on top of her. "Oh my goodness!" Syd opted out of the dog pile as more and more boys fell onto each other.

Next the group moved outside one of the buildings. "Your enemies are all around you. Destroy them!" Sensei Lawrence taught, allowing for everyone to go inside and smash old car windows.

Syd put her goggles on as she moved beside a car with an old bat, swinging it as hard as she could at the window before she heard the glass shatter. She opened her eyes and chuckled a bit, looking at the decimated window. It felt good. She continued to smash things, taking all of her anger and putting it into her swings.

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