027 poaching students.

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 ( chapter twenty seven )

 ( chapter twenty seven )POACHING STUDENTS

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Miguel was finally back in school. He'd told Syd over the phone the night before about how Johnny Lawrence had helped him start walking again. Though, he still called the man Sensei Lawrence. Syd was excited, happy to see him up on his feet again. He deserved something good after everything that had happened.

So when Miguel walked through the door, he was immediately met by the student body clapping for him. A large Welcome Back Miguel poster hung on the stairs and Miguel smiled as kids voiced how happy they were to see him.

"El Serpiente!" Eli smiled, walking up to the boy with Syd by his side. "What's up?" Miguel smiled, dapping his friend up. "Welcome back, man." Eli smiled. "Feels good to be back." Miguel nodded.

Syd smiled, quickly wrapping her arms around the boy as he wrapped his own arm around her waist. "I'm glad you're back." Syd smiled, pulling away and standing next to Eli again. "Me too." Miguel smiled.

Eli looked down at his legs. "They give you bionic legs or some shit like that?" Miguel just laughed, looking down at his legs as well. "No, same old boring human legs." Eli nodded. "Oh, yeah? Can you throw down? Gotta defend that title." He sent a jokingly soft punch to Miguel's chest, the other boy laughing.

"Gotta get through me first. Dude, Cobra Kai is crushing it right now." Eli smiled. "Yeah, we're so excited for you to come back." Syd added, Eli nodding. "I've actually been meaning to talk to you both about that." Miguel tried, only to get cut off by the bell. "I'll talk to you about it at lunch."

"All right, sure." Eli replied, Syd waving goodbye to the boy as the couple both headed up the stairs to get to their classes.

By the time lunch rolled around, Syd found herself sat beside Moon and Yasmine as Yasmine complained. "I mean— he isn't even getting me an A anymore. What's the point of having a nerd as a science partner if he can't even do his nerd shit because his arm is broke? It's total bs." Syd just laughed, Moon shaking her head as she laughed as well. "Good new is arms heal." Moon smiled.

Syd then looking to the side at the sound of a tray smacking down on something. She watched as Kyler spoke to Demetri, writing something on the boys cast. She rolled her eyes, turning to watch as Eli put his leg up on a chair when Mitch was ready to sit with Cobra Kai. "I'll be right back." Syd voiced, both girls nodding as they just started their own conversation.

Syd walked behind Eli, wrapping her arms around his neck as she looked at Mitch. "Where am I supposed to sit?" Mitch questioned, now more nervous as he faced both of them. Eli turned his head slightly, looking at Syd the best he could. "Hey, babe. I was just about to explain to Assface how he gets to sit at the rejects' table. Over there." He finished what he was saying directed at Mitch, the other boy frowning as Syd waved him off.

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