031 a very merry comeback season.

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 ( chapter thirty one )

Christmas Eve had officially rolled around and Syd smiled while Oliver ran around, somehow even more excited than she was

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Christmas Eve had officially rolled around and Syd smiled while Oliver ran around, somehow even more excited than she was. They'd gotten the day and the next off from karate, Sensei Kreese telling them all to enjoy the time with their families.

She'd spent all day working on an old family recipe she'd been given when her mother died, never being able to cook it before as it called for special occasions with the family. But now that she'd actually be seeing what Christmas was like for a normal family, she excitedly baked the pie.

"So are we staying the night? If so, will we open presents with Hawk and his family?" Oliver questioned, watching his older sister cook. She smiled lightly, happy to see how excited he was. "They did ask us to spend the night, yes. Which means I'm bringing your gifts from myself and the relatives out of state with us when we head over."

Oliver smiled, nodding. "Why don't you go watch a movie or something while I finish up here?" Syd wondered, the boy shaking his head. "Nah, I'd rather help." She smiled. "Okay." Oliver moved to go next to her, waiting for instructions. "Okay, so I want you to mix this, okay?" She instructed, Oliver nodding. "What kind of pie even is this?" He wondered.

"It's mom's special cranberry apple pie. I know you never got to try it, but I remember loving it when I was little." Syd recounted, smiling lightly at the memory. She didn't have many memories with her mother, but when she was pregnant with Oliver Syd was always with the women ready to help her at any time.

Oliver nodded, a bit sad at the mention of the woman. She hadn't lasted much longer after he was born, her health taking a hit so the boy only knew her face through pictures. "Come on, let's finish up here so we can head over to Eli's." Syd spoke softly.

"I still don't know why you call him that, Hawk is a much more badass name." Oliver spoke. Syd gasped, lightly smacking him over the head. "Language! Also, I happen to think his actual name is pretty badass itself." Oliver rolled his eyes. "I'm 13, not 7." Syd laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Just go back to helping."

When they'd finished the pie, Syd drove the two over to Eli's. She knocked on the door quickly, carrying the pie with her. Eli's mom opened the door, smiling widely at the girl. "Sydney! We're so glad you could make it. Hi there, Oliver." Oliver smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Moskowitz."

"Please, come in." She smiled, making room for the both of them. They walked through the door, Syd instantly placing the pie down in the kitchen before giving the older woman a quick hug. "I hope you both don't mind, my sister ended up deciding to join with her son. I think he's around Oliver's age." Eli's mother explained. "No problem." Syd smiled, happy that Oliver would be able to spend time with someone his age.

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