038 the prom.

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 ( chapter thirty eight )

 ( chapter thirty eight )THE PROM

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"Guys, the limo is coming at six. So don't be late or else we're leaving. 'Cause my date and I, we on a mission." Kyler yelled out, smirking the last part as he faced Syd. She rolled her eyes as Piper laughed. "Oh my god. I bet she doesn't even exist." Syd smirked, nudging the other girl slightly as the two laughed. "You snooze you lose, Sydney. You could have had all this when I first asked you to go with me." Kyler shrugged.

Syd rolled her eyes. "Like I told you last time and the time before that, I'd rather eat my foot." Syd was honestly a bit bummed about prom. When Eli was still in Cobra Kai the two had discussed what they'd do, but now they had to spend the whole night avoiding each other.

Syd walked away from the boy, Piper following behind as they moved to talk somewhere else, well, until they noticed Sensei Kreese and Sensei Silver walk into the room. "All right, class. Fall in."

They all did as told, taking their normal spots on the mat. "Today's lesson is about balance. Not the way Miyagi-Do teaches it. You're going to learn how to get inside the heads of your opponents and throw them off balance. Pair up." Sensei Kreese bossed. Syd smirked lightly as she watched Robby and Tory pair up, the two obviously getting closer.

She stood across from Piper, nodding to the girl to start throwing punches. Piper did just that, throwing punches Syd easily avoided. "So, how's Moon? Does she... have a date?" Piper wondered. Syd chuckled lightly, this exercise was already proving to be pretty easy. "Uh, I don't know. I think she's going with some guy from cheer... or maybe a girl. We haven't really discussed it."

"Oh. Cool, cool." Piper nodded. Syd rolled her eyes as the smirk stayed on her lips, grabbing Pipers arm as she weakly threw a punch and flipping her. "What the—" Piper started, rubbing her hip. "Moons a weakness I see." Syd laughed, helping the girl back up. "That's sneaky. I'm impressed." Piper smirked.

"Wassup!" A voice suddenly rang out, Syd turning around toward the door to see Raymond walking in wearing an old Cobra Kai gi. "You guys remember that line from the old Bud commercials? I guess you guys are probably too young for... Probably weren't even born yet. Eddie, what's going on, man? Hey, good to see you. Dieter, how's your mom doing? Wish she'd call. You could've had a really cool stepdad. Sensei! Sir, I am reporting for duty and I require no thanks."

"Thanks for what?" Sensei Kreese wondered, staring at the man. Syd sighed, deciding to watch. She didn't see this ending well for the man who was still calling himself Stingray. "Oh, uh, you know, just defending the dojo and I-I served my time, Sensei sir." Raymond replied, talking about the school fight. "Who even is that guy?" Piper wondered, staring at him. "He was like half a member almost a year ago. Lost the ability to get 500 feet within minor's for a while after the school fight." Syd replied. "No way is that the guy who beat up kids in the halls? The fake security guard?" Piper wondered, eyes wide.

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