024 fighting smarter.

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 ( chapter twenty four )

 ( chapter twenty four )FIGHTING SMARTER

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"Never underestimate your enemy. Even if you think they're weaker than you, you always have to stay one step ahead of them. That's the only way to guarantee a victory. Is that understood?" Sensei Kreese questioned  the class, walking around them all. "Yes, Sensei." They all voiced in response, making sure their voices were loud. "Good. Now let's see if you truly understand the lesson. I want you to kick this tree off the top. Red, you start." Sensei Kreese directed.

Syd looked at the small plant on top of the large cylinder of wood, furrowing her brows as she tried to figure out how to possibly jump high enough to kick the plant.

Red nodded, moving into position before kicking as high as he could, the fabric of his gi tearing at the crotch. The boy fell to the floor and Sensei Kreese crossed his arms over his chest with a frown. "Pathetic. Rickenberger, show him." Sensei Kreese decided, Rickenberger nodding, instantly flipping to get the high needed, but being too far away and landing on his ass.

"Stop your sniveling." Sensei Kreese frowned. "I can do it, Sensei." Eli spoke, Syd sending him a small glance. "Well, what're you waiting for?" Sensei Kreese shot back. Eli moved toward the cylinder, looking at it for a moment. "Don't you want a running start?" Sensei Kreese wondered, just as confused as to what the boy was thinking as everyone else.

"Don't need one." Eli smirked, lining up before kicking the middle of the wood, sending it down to the ground and causing the tree to smash. Syd smirked, technically he'd done what was asked. Sensei Kreese never told them how they had to break it, just to knock the tree down. Kreese chuckled, looking at the dirt all over the mat. "Not bad. Not bad at all."

Syd could practically see Eli's face beaming as he moved back to his spot. Rickenberger didn't seem to see the lesson. "But he cheated." Sensei Kreese sent the boy a look. "No, he didn't. Unlike you, he did exactly what I asked him to do." He turned between students, staring them in the face as he continued, "If your mind is agile, so are you. That's the best way to beat your enemy. Not just with brute strength. But you have to fight smart. Do that, and you'll always come out on top."

Syd smirked lightly, taking in every word the man said. She knew just based on brute strength she couldn't beat half the boys in her dojo, almost all of them being twice her size. But if she followed Sensei Kreese's lesson, she could outwit them every time.


Syd sat watching with an amused expression as Eli kicked a soccer ball over and over again in the cafeteria, trying to best his own record. She watched as Red came closer with his camera, Eli turning to it after finally messing up. "Hey, 22 in a row. New record." He smiled, turning back around and noticing the upset look that had moved to Syds face as she watched her normal table.

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