001 the splash of summer.

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 ( chapter one )

"Oliver! Breakfast is ready, hurry up before I leave your ass and you have to walk

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"Oliver! Breakfast is ready, hurry up before I leave your ass and you have to walk." Sydney, Syd, yelled to her little brother who was upstairs in the other room. They were already late, and Syd needed to bring him to West Valleys middle school for school before heading over to Samantha LaRussos house. The middle school had already started, but the high schoolers still had one more day of summer.

She heard movement from inside Oliver's room as she finished putting his lunch into a brown bag. Syd checked the time, 7:55 am. By this time her dad would already be in Pennsylvania, on some new business trip. He'd gotten back late last night and left early this morning, she'd heard him come and go.

When Oliver came out, he sat down at the table in front of his breakfast and ate it quick. Syd messed up his hair slightly as she moved past him. "Don't choke."

Syd moved toward a mirror in the living room, fixing her hair and makeup best she could. She tended to roll with a certain crowd, and if any tiny detail was off about her appearance she was sure she'd have to hear all about it.

"Did you see dad before he left?" Oliver questioned, through bites of food. Syd didn't turn around, only looking at him through the mirror. "Sorry, I didn't. He, uh, left another note on the fridge for you. Once you finish up it's all yours."

Oliver smiled, excitedly. There was no note from their father. Well, there was one, but Syd herself had written it when she first got up. Their dad hadn't left a note since Oliver was in 2nd grade, the rest of them had all been Syd.

Oliver finished up his food quick, putting the dish in the dishwasher before moving toward the note. "Oh, cool! Dads gonna see the Phillys play. I wish I could go."

"One day." Syd responded, though she knew even if that ever did happen, she'd be the one taking him rather than his father.

Syd grabbed her bag and turned around toward her brother. "Okay, double time. Let's go so we don't get another email home from your teacher." Oliver rolled his eyes. "She has it out for me, I swear." Syd chuckled. "It's okay, she had it out for me too. Now let's get out of here."

The two McKinley siblings rushed out the front door, moving swiftly towards Syds black Jeep. She plugged her phone into the AUX and pulled out of her driveway. Oliver groaned, looking at the music that began playing. "For once can we listen to something I like?"

"Learn to drive and then you can play whatever music you want." Syd responded, turning the music up a bit just to annoy her brother. "I'm 11 years old. Isn't it illegal for me to drive?"

Syd just shrugged, smirking to herself. "Don't get caught." Oliver rolled his eyes. "You're a horrible influence." Syds smirk seemed to fall away as a small smile replaced it, "Well, I must be doing something right cause look how responsible you are." Oliver just grimaced. "Gross go back to being rude to me this feels weird." 

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