043 how quickly a heart breaks.

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 ( chapter forty three )

 ( chapter forty three )HOW QUICKLY A HEART BREAKS

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"I got Yasmine a charm bracelet here, plus a charm for every fight we have. She can barely lift her arm now." Demetri explained to Miguel as himself, Eli, and Miguel walked into a jewelry store in search of something for Sam so she didn't break up with Miguel. "Yeah, I got a Christmas gift for— my mom once here, uh, after she was super pissed at me. Still wears it every day." Eli added. Demetri sent him a look, both boys knowing he never got his mom anything from this store.

"Okay..." Miguel spoke as he looked at Eli confused, not sure how the story connected, "Explain to me again why I have to buy expensive jewelry. Maybe Sam is okay, and you guys are just reading too much into it." Demetri sighed, placing his hands on the glass below him. "My friend, this is a five-alarm fire. If anything, we're not reading into it enough. Okay?"

"Can I help you find something?" A woman asked, walking up to the boys from where the jewelry could be grabbed. "Um, yes. I'm just looking for something special for my girlfriend." Miguel replied. "That's so sweet! Is it a birthday, an anniversary?" The woman wondered, smiling. "He left the country without telling her during the biggest karate fight of her life." Demetri replied, not sugarcoating anything.

The woman looked to him, smile dropping. "That's a new one. How about a nice pair of earrings?" Eli watched as Miguel's eye moved to an octopus, the boy pointing to it. "How much is that?"

"The octopus?" She confirmed, pulling it out to check the price. "It's perfect." Miguel gasped, holding onto the necklace and its holder as he stared at it. "But I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford it." He frowned.

She took a look at the price again, making sure she was telling the boy the correct price. "Actually, it's been reduced." Miguel smiled hopefully. "Reduced?" She nodded. "Great. How much?" Miguel wondered. "After tax, $182." She smiled.

Miguel just sighed, hopes sinking again. "Do you maybe have one with fewer tentacles?" Eli wondered. "No, but I have a similar one to the one I recall you purchasing a few months back for a girlfriend after a huge fight." The woman replied. Eli's eyes widened, Miguel looking at him confused. "For a girlfriend?"

"I must have forgotten about a time I got Syd something here while we were still together." Eli hid, the woman just looking at him sadly, "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like to get your money back for the bracelet you have on hold?" Eli coughed, Miguel's confusion only changing to shock. "No, sorry. I think you must've confused what I was asking for. I wanted to get my grandma a bracelet. Uh, I'll come back tomorrow and sort that all out."

"Oh, okay. I was sure you said girlfriend, but maybe I just misheard through the noise. Anyways, what are we thinking about the necklace?" She wondered, turning back to Miguel. "Um... fuck it, let's do it." He nodded. "You sure?" Demetri wondered nervously. "Yeah. It's worth it if it works, right?" Miguel nodded back before turning back to the lady. "Do you guys do returns if we keep the receipt?"

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