028 queen cobra.

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 ( chapter twenty eight )

 ( chapter twenty eight )QUEEN COBRA

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"The goal is to win at all costs. Those we thought to be our allies have turned against us. Now our enemies are attacking us from all sides. There is no turning back. Now is the time to show them what you are truly made of." Sensei Kreese spoke, standing before the class. "You're going to need to be strong enough to both start the fight and finish it. For good. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sensei." The class spoke, working on punching and blocking as the man stood before them with a smirk. "Everybody circle up, we're going to spar today." Sensei Kreese directed, sending Syd a quick glance. She smirked, knowing that show she'd be able to show just how strong she was to anyone in the class who'd forgotten.

They all moved into a circle, Sensei Kreese walking around. He stopped before Syd. "You're up, Miss McKinley." Syd nodded, looking around as Sensei Kreese continued around the circle to find someone to fight her. All the boys put their heads down, basically avoiding Sensei Kreese's eye as he walked by them. She just smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Sensei Kreese glared around the room. "Scared, are we? Pathetic. If you can't even muster up the courage to face your own teammate how will any of you win in war?" He turned his head to Kyler, finishing the plan the way he intended. "Mr. Park, you're up." Syd watched Kyler nod, slowly moving across from her.

"Remember, right now the person across from you is your enemy. No mercy." Sensei Kreese directed. "Aits!" He shouted, moving to watch the fight with the rest of the team. Eli sighed, Kyler had no idea what was coming his way.

Kyler smirked, building up his confidence as he swung at the girl. Syd immediately dodged it, grabbing his arm and throwing him forward. He flipped over himself, landing on his back with a groan. Syd wasn't done, pulling the boy up by the front of his shirt and punching him across the face, hard.

He fell back down when she let him go, quickly standing and shakily getting into his own fighting position as the girl quickly attacked again, punching and dodging his counter attacks, suddenly sweeping his legs and slamming her leg down on his stomach. "Finish him." Sensei Kreese demanded, smirking. He'd set up a fight he knew Kyler couldn't win and he was happy to do it as he saw the fire fall back into Sydney's eyes.

She nodded, slamming her foot down onto his face before walking off. Kyler groaned, standing up himself and running back to his spot on the mat. Syd caught his eye, raising her eyebrows at the boy as he quickly looked away, not wanting to mess with the girl again. She smirked, facing the front again as Sensei Kreese continued matching people up to fight.

When class was over Syd checked her phone with a frown, looking toward Tory and Eli confused. "They cancelled the All Valley." Eli's eyes widened, moving to look over her shoulder and read it too. "What?"

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