No Curse Necessary

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Summary: Ron and Harry are Auror partners who get hit with a curse that forces them to finally confess their love and desire for each other.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to audisodd on Ao3


Ron was laughing so hard he was on the verge of crying and he didn't give a shit that Harry was glowering at him for it. The situations they found themselves in over the years had become increasingly more unbelievable time after time and this most recent one was no exception to that. It was completely absurd and Ron felt like laughing was the least he could do. Really, what else was an Auror supposed to do when the perverted wizard he was trying to capture managed to curse him and his Auror partner with the very spell he was in trouble for? A curse that only gave them the options to fuck or die in order to break it, mind you, and an Auror partner that just happened to be the best mate he's been pining over for years now.

"For fuck's sake, Ron! Why are you STILL laughing at this?! It's serious!" Harry yelled. He was frustrated that he was the only one keeping it together right now. They were being forced to choose between fucking or dying and while it seemed like an easy choice on paper, it really wasn't. Not to Harry. It would expose the dirty little secret he's been keeping from his best mate that had the power to destroy their friendship if ever revealed — that he didn't need to be cursed to want to fuck Ron into oblivion.

The redheaded Auror finally managed to control his laughter after several gasps for air. Ron planned to play it cool and act like it was no big deal they were going to sleep together. "Blimey, Harry. I reckon we've done just about everything else together. Why not check off the final thing on the list, yeah?" He shrugged as nonchalantly as he could.

"You infuriate me to no end, Weasley," Harry growled. "I at least hoped I meant more to you than your little flings, but apparently I do not."

Ron bristled at that. "Hey! Don't put words in my mouth, Potter. I didn't say that."

"Didn't need to; your air of casualty was all the hint I needed."

"You don't get to judge me here. You've had one night stands, too!" Ron had stopped laughing completely now and was starting to get angry.

It was Harry's turn to laugh and it came out sharp. "Wrong. I have one friend with benefits and that's it. You're the one who gets around here, not me."

Ron was only silent for half a second before he cried out, "Maybe I do, but at least I know they mean nothing to me while you obviously like your friend and that means something to you. That's worse!"

Harry abruptly came to a stop in his pacing and froze. He had an inkling that this fight was a long time coming and no longer about the curse. It seemed a lot scarier now that their companionship was on the line. Turning around, Harry looked at Ron sitting on the bench with his head down in his hands.


No response.

"Ron, please."

Still nothing.

Harry's patience broke.

"Goddamnit, Ron! I'll make you pay attention to me if I have to."

When he was ignored once more, Harry stomped up to Ron and grabbed his hair to pull his face up.

Defiant blue eyes connected with determined green eyes in a passion so strong it could physically be felt. Ron's cheeks were flushed redder than Harry had ever seen and they were both breathing heavy.

"I'm only going to say this once before I ravage you, so listen carefully: I fucking love you, Ron. I've wanted you for so long and now I know you want me, too. You don't know how badly I wanted to hex everyone who touched you or how much I pretended he was you every time I fucked him. All that shit changes after this, you got it? You're mine and I'm yours and everyone else can fuck off."

Ron licked his lips. "I fucking love you, too, Harry. Are you gonna kiss me now or not?"

Harry pulled Ron's hair again and crashed their lips together harshly. It was a kiss fueled by years of desires not being held back anymore. Tongues fought for dominance causing teeth to clash, but still they went harder and rougher. Harry won the battle in the end by pinning Ron on the bench by the arms and shoving his tongue down Ron's throat. Long legs wrapped around Harry's waist tightly and he was soon aware of just how hard Ron's cock was. He smiled against Ron's lips when he heard the sexiest whimper escape after Harry palmed his erection.

"Fuck, baby. You've been thinking naughty of me, haven't you? Always chasing those blokes who never even measured up to your fantasies about me, aye? No more. You're mine to fuck and mine only." Harry whispered in Ron's ear before biting it harshly.

Ron yelped in surprise pleasure and pain and tightened his legs around Harry trying to rub against him as roughly as he could. He wanted more. Harry understood just like he always did.

He grabbed his wand and banished their clothes away without caring they were in the Auror's locker room. They hissed in harmony when their bare skin touched.

"Couldn't waste precious time taking our clothes off, now could we? Not when you're being such a desperate slut for my cock in your arse like this."

Harry finally unpinned Ron and allowed for Ron to touch him. He dug his fingers into Harry's back with the only goal to push them even closer together. Harry's hand trailed down Ron's belly and his cock and went to his arse. He rubbed Ron's arse cheeks and brought his other hand still holding his wand down. His wrist flicked and Ron instantly felt lubrication in his hole. Harry dropped his wand and started kissing and sucking all over Ron's neck before he slipped a finger in Ron.

Ron threw his head back and thrusted up. He wanted Harry to go as deep as he could. Harry stuck in another finger and started a scissoring motion to loosen Ron up more. A third finger slid in and slammed straight into Ron's prostate. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before.

"Fuck, Harry! More! Please! I need more." Ron begged. He felt Harry's finger exit his hole and felt empty for only a few seconds before he felt the head of Harry's rock hard cock against his opening.

"I'm going to show you how much I fucking love you now and I better get to hear much you love me in return." Harry ordered before pushing into Ron with all he had.

Ron was so far gone that he barely felt any pain. It was all pleasure now. He wondered how he ever thought anyone else would compare to Harry. It was easy to fulfill Harry's demand. Ron couldn't have kept quiet if he wanted to — moans and groans and whines and whimpers escaped his mouth involuntarily. His fingernails scratched down Harry's back hard enough to leave marks and it only caused Harry to fuck him harder.

"Fuck, Ron. You feel like you were always made for me. So tight, so warm, so perfect, and all mine, only mine." Harry growled. "Come now. I want to see you undone."

Ron's cum squirted out of his cock all over Harry's chest and stomach. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as Harry kept hitting his prostate through his entire orgasm. A few seconds later, Ron felt the searing heat of Harry's cum deep inside his hole and heard his name repeated over and over in a heated tone.

Harry remained inside Ron for a long while after that — neither man wanted to move; they wanted to stay connected as one being as long as they could. It had taken far too long to reach this point, but they were here now and that was all that mattered.

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