| The Curse of Wanting

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Summary: Ron has been in love with his best mate for as long as he can remember. But with Harry about to marry his sister, Ron's chance at love and happiness is coming to an end. Or is it just the beginning?

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter, HarryPotterxGinnyWeasley, HermionexRon

All credit goes to greenmegsnoham on Ao3


"I love you, and I can't imagine my life without you."

Harry knows it's a dramatic gesture, down on one knee in the middle of the Holyhead Harpies' Quidditch pitch after their defeat of the Applebee Arrows for the National Cup. There are flashes from cameras coming from every direction—nothing as Harry had ever imagined regarding how he would propose. A quiet Muggle restaurant, or even at home after cooking her a romantic meal. But here he is, surrounded by thousands of onlookers.

Harry's tried to stay out of the spotlight and the papers as much as possible since the war, but watching how hard Ginny had trained, and all the power and determination she put into their final season match, Harry knows she's the one. He can't live without her and can't wait to make her his. Forever.

Ginny's covered in sweat, her face smudged with mud, and strands of hair cling to her face as she stares down at Harry with those big brown eyes he adores, with a hand over her mouth. He feels like an idiot, running on pure adrenaline and Gryffindor bullheadedness. But there's no going back now.

What if she says no?

But she throws her broom to the ground, practically tackling Harry, kissing him fiercely, her adrenaline running high. Harry can feel her heartbeat against his chest, and he knows they're making a scene, but he doesn't care. Not when she pulls back and smiles down at him with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, Harry Potter. Yes."

It's the happiest day of Harry's life.


"Oh, my God. He isn't!" gasps Hermione as Harry lowers himself to one knee. She grabs Ron's arm, squealing and bouncing on her toes as Harry lifts the small box. "He is. Oh my God, Ron. It's happening!"

Ron feels like he's been punched in the gut. It's been hard enough watching Harry and Ginny's happiness together over the past three years. Selfishly, he always hoped it was something that would fizzle out with time. Like what he'd had with Hermione. Two tired teenagers who grew up too fast and relied on one another too much to set the stage for a healthy relationship. Of course, Ron could never be so lucky for the same to happen to Harry.

"Yeah," Ron replies, unable to say anything else. "Looks like it, huh?"

After their dramatic tumble to the grass, the two finally make their way to join the Weasley clan. Ginny, Hermione, and Ron's mum immediately start sobbing, awestruck by the ring. It's a big one. Not that any less could be expected of the heir to the Potter and Black fortunes.

Arthur claps Harry on the back and shakes his hand, both beaming from ear to ear. When Harry finally meets his best mate's eyes, Ron forces the smile that masks the pain and longing he feels. He can't let it show now. Harry will never know that Ron is in love with him—and that he will take to his grave.

Ron walks up to Harry, pulling him in for a hug. "Congrats, mate."

"Thanks," Harry sighs, pulling away far too quickly and grinning at him.

Ron opens his mouth to say something, but the words get trapped in his throat. Harry looks at him questioningly, but they are swiftly interrupted by Ron's mother's abrupt appearance.

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