Watch for Nargles!

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Summary: Harry and Ron have a secret. Teddy thinks he knows what it is. With a little help from 3 of his uncles and some mistletoe, he has a plan to make them spill the Bertie Botts.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to TheCheshireBat on Ao3


Sparkling silver Christmas baubles floated around the room making the kids gathered around the tree giggle and clap their hands with glee. Harry flicked the tip of his repaired holly and phoenix feather wand and sent the ornaments to rest on branches with fairy lights and other colorful decorations. Hermione was sitting on the floor helping Teddy string popcorn for garland while Molly helped Fred and George set out the Christmas crackers. Ron was leaning against the fireplace with his arms crossed and a soft smile on his freckled face. All of the Weasleys were wandering around somewhere in Grimmauld Place along with Neville, Luna, and other members of their friend group from Hogwarts.

Luna skipped into the room with two different pairs of reindeer antlers perched on top of her head with Fred and Angelina's twins holding her hands. She sat Grace and Felicity down with Molly and plopped down to start her own string of popcorn. Silvery blue eyes glided up to Harry as Luna smiled, "This is such a lovely evening, Harry. Thank you for inviting me!"

Harry crouched down beside Teddy and ruffled the boy's curly turquoise hair, "Teddy demanded a big gathering to decorate the house this year. Who am I to tell the man no?"

Teddy's responding grin could have lit up London, "That's cuz you're the best dad EVER! Grandma Molly, will you be making treacle tart for Christmas Eve? I have to save a piece for Father Christmas. He left a note specifically asking for it last year."

Molly shook her head good-naturedly and rolled her eyes, "I'm sure it had nothing to do with Harry's preferences." When the small boy looked confused she laughed and sent a tickling charm at him, "Of course I'm making treacle tart! We'll be making biscuits to decorate next week." She turned her attention to Harry when Teddy went back to making garland, "All the grandchildren are staying over on Friday night. Will you bring him?"

Harry stepped over his godson and wrapped Molly in a tight hug, "You're his grandma just as much as Andromeda was, Molly. He'd probably refuse to speak to me for a month if I didn't let him go over. I'm actually not scheduled to work all next weekend! I can stick around and bake with you."

Molly flapped her hands at him and huffed, "No you will not! You haven't had an evening off without Teddy in ages. You go out and have fun. I'll keep the kids entertained. I raised most of the adults in this house. I think I can manage a few little sprites!"

Ron passed Harry a new bottle of Butterbeer and laughed, "You know you shouldn't argue with her. She always wins, mate." He tipped his chin toward Luna and winked at Neville, "Soon enough, Mum will have another little one to claim and coo over."

Neville stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, "We can't wait. Lu insists the baby will be here before the new year despite the Healer's report that she's due in January."

Luna rubbed her rounded belly, "Little Frank will be here on the thirtieth of December. And now, we should all go home. Harry and Ron have a big case coming in tomorrow, and Teddy has to practice for the Christmas recital at school."

Teddy rolled onto his belly and kicked his feet behind him, "Awww! I don't want you all to go! We're having so much fun."

Ron picked Teddy up from the ground and slung him over his shoulder, "Yeah, but if you don't sleep you'll be a cranky little wolf cub in the morning and Mrs. Whitlock will call on the telephone to whinge about you napping in class. Give everyone hugs and kisses and run up to put on pajamas."

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