The Bestest Mate Ever Award

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Summary: The Gryffindors have a party and Harry decides to show his best mate how great he is.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Hevelius on Ao3


"Who's the bestest best mate in the whole entire history of best mates ?"

"It's me," breathed Ron despondently, red with embarrassment. Or perhaps it was the alcohol.

"The bestest best mate in the world," Harry affirmed, nodding vehemently to himself.

They were having a party in the Gryffindor Common Room. For a good reason, Ron was sure, but his mind got rather blurry trying to remember it.

After having shooed the younger years off to bed, the fifth years and upward- barring the two tall fourth years who had managed to sneak in- had taken out their hidden stashes of booze and the rest was history.

Alicia had magnanimously taken it upon herself to man the bar and had dragged Angelina with her. Angelina had then proceeded to impress everyone with her mad skills at making cocktails. Or something. Hermione had looked rather interested but Ron had just grabbed a bottle of Ogden's and let Harry direct him to the couch near the fire that the Golden Trio had long since claimed as theirs.

That had proved to be an extremely bad decision since Harry had gotten it into his head to boost Ron's confidence after he had made one too many fairly unfortunate self-deprecating comments. Thus Ron was currently being subjected to many long tirades on his supposed awesomeness and best mate-ness.

As Harry paused to regain his breath after one of the said tirades, Ron looked up to the ceiling in prayer for Merlin to end his suffering. Merlin was sadly not available at the moment, as was swiftly proved by what happened next.

Harry downed his drink then climbed up on the backrest of their couch.

"This lad, this mad lad right here," Harry addressed Gryffindor at large while pointing directly at Ron, "learned how to drive on live at twelve while flying his dad's car across the damn country while chasing a bloody train . How rad is this lad, people ?"

"The Raddest !" the entire Common Room screamed. Some were giggling.

"This guy, this spectacular piece of fine meat, won at chess against McGonagall's giant fuck off chess set that was designed to kill a man. In first year , he out-manoeuvred a professor on the fly. How wicked is that ?"

The Common Room cheered.

"This man, this legendary badass of a man, took one look at an escaped mass murderer, got up on his broken leg and went : if you want to kill them, you'll have to get through me first. Is he not the best ?"

"The Best !" And then the Common Room exploded with laughter.

Harry nodded again, "And don't you forget it."

He sat back down, satisfied with his work. Then he saw his friend's expression, which Ron thought was justifiedly mortified but Harry must have thought differently on the matter because his face turned into a displeased frown. It was more of a pout, actually.

"You don't believe me, do you ?" Ron really didn't want Harry to further his embarrassment in a well-meaning crusade to help him overcome his self-esteem issues, but he also disliked his best friend's sad little look.

"How about-"

"I have an idea !" Harry exclaimed brightly, and Merlin wasn't that ominous. Ron could smell the upcoming disaster from a mile away but was tragically unable to prevent it.

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