Cum Slut - With a Cherry on Top

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Summary: cum slut Harry + nervous Ron = a yummy dessert

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Minra_Legacy on Ao3


Ron's got his hands tied behind him, with no way to move about as his back presses against his cold fingertips. He shouldn't have gotten ahead of himself, especially not with Harry when he's been edging for almost a week.

Harry had enough of him, especially when he chose Ron to help him orgasm rather than Draco or Blaise. After their mini gangbang that happened a week ago during Hogwarts, they had gotten most of Harry's energy out but now... it's as if his cum slut tendencies came back.

It wasn't his idea, or any of their other lovers, for Harry to edge. It was his own decision, it was rather easy at first, they had moved into Grimmauld afterwards and things were going slow, trying to get the house back in shape.

Harry would get hard suddenly, only to will it down or tease himself for a bit in the bathroom, thinking of Blaise eating him out or Draco abusing his nipples. The thought kept him going, able to hold himself back from cumming so that when he finally did after properly moving in, it would be mindblowing.

Unfortunately for Harry, he hadn't anticipated how cock hungry he would become after the last bit of things were finished. He was so ready to have Hermione dominate him while the others watched, but Hermione decided to pay a visit to her parents.

Blaise decided to go home for a few days, and his mother had been so proud that he was moving in with them, making a name for himself by getting into the magical law university.

Draco had been affected negatively. It wasn't much of joining the light side, rather it was who would be lord Malfoy now that his father was in Azkaban. He had also made his way home just for the night to describe in detail his plans for his future to his mother.

Harry wasn't going to stop any longer. Now that it was just him and Ron, he saw through it instantly. Ron was never one to come to him alone, he was always joined with other, perhaps it was because they were best friends first, everyone came later.

Harry managed to send a glare to Ron when he said he would pop to the Burrow for dinner, reminding Harry of how good of a cook his mother was, telling Harry to come along. One glare later, Ron was tightly secured to the single settee.

"You wanted food so bad," Harry whispered, his hand stroking over Ron's cock, slowly looking into the still-shocked eyes above. "Don't even lie, you just wanted to leave, leave me here with my dick throbbing," Harry said, eyes glinting, hand pumping harder, almost painful.

"I-I'm sorry unggg fuck-" Ron tried, Harry smirked in response. He brought his wand out and murmured something Ron couldn't understand, only to look confused as a bowl of fruit emerged from the kitchen, behind it a jar of chocolate syrup and a muggle can of whipped cream.

"I'll give you tasty," Harry said, finally placing his mouth on Ron's cock, swelling a bit deeper as the legs beneath him twitched upwards. "Fuck fuck fuck Harry-" Harry swallowed deeper. The summoned items placed themselves on the carpet beside Harry, looking so peacefully innocent.

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