Lightning Strike, Loving Squeeze

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Summary: Harry and Ron have been Auror partners for over a year, and the Auror animagus programme leads to developments in more than just their careers.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to SiobhanHazel on Ao3


The lightning strike toppled them both to the wet surface of the balcony, but Harry just felt Ron's weight for a split second before it dissolved like smoke. White light flashed again through the iron bars of the railing encircling them lying sprawled on the highest point of the townhouse. Both the storm clouds, raindrops and roof tiles of Grimmauld Place were illuminated in ghostly flickers.

Though not pouring, the shimmering mists had by now thoroughly drenched Harry. For an instant, the writhing at his stomach seemed to be coming from within his gut. Then Harry noticed that the icy rain, plastering his t-shirt to his abdomen, wasn't the only cold thing gliding over his skin. There was a soft coiling sensation.

"Harry, Merlin, what's happened?? S'cold... need your warmth..."

Had the animagus ritual failed? The thought struck Harry, and his confusion blended into distress—where was Ron, why could he hear him, yet the tall man's body had disappeared?

Harry hastily blinked the rainwater from his eyes. The balcony was too dimly lit, and droplets clung to his glasses. He tore them off, made a mostly futile attempt to wipe them on his soaked t-shirt, and then peered down at his cold stomach.

Another flash of white lit up the sky, and suddenly he saw it clearly: the orangish-yellow snake about the thickness of a garden hose, curled on top of Harry's navel and staring at him with unblinking sapphire eyes.

"Fuck." Harry said—and he realised over the sound of the storm that it came out as a choked, hiss sound. He would always be a parselmouth, after all.

Ron felt like it might be physically impossible to move from the warm curve of Harry's stomach. He hissed a complaint, "Well don't just gawk. F-feel like I'm seizing up, here. Bloody freezing."

Despite having the brain of a snake, there was still panic in Ron's tone as he came to grips with the unnerving situation.

Still in a stupor, Harry relented and scooped him up, cradling the serpent against the skin of his forearms. Then, going somewhat limp with exhaustion, Harry lay back on the tile of the balcony in a daze. Only his soaked clothes, the distant sound of thunder, and the dark cloudy night left traces of the receding storm.

"Ron... Why?"

"It's raining kitties and puppies, of course I'm cold."

"No, I mean, your animagus."

There was a pause before Ron gave his sibilating reply, "I'm not bloody well having this conversation as a... well, as a cold-blooded creature shivering in the rain."

"I don't think you're shivering. Pretty sure snakes can't shiver."

"Yeah, right. I feel like I'm about to nod off though."

He had to push through the fog in this snake mind. The chill did that to cold-blooded animals. Ron forced himself to slither off of Harry, and upon landing on the wet surface of the balcony he morphed back into a lanky young man.

Sitting in his soaking wet jeans on the tile next to Harry, Ron immediately lowered his freckled face into his large pale hands and groaned. He flinched when Harry's hand landed on his shoulder.

The emotion in his Auror partner's voice was concern, "Ron. Did you have any idea that it'd be a snake, of all things? They say wizards usually get visions leading up to the transformation, right, so...?"

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