Shagging Into The Night

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Summary: Since Harry's a little self-conscious about his feelings and their relationship, Ron goes out of his way to do something dramatic to show his confidence in both himself as well as dating another man. It doesn't go exactly go according to plan, but close enough. He's still getting shagged in a pair of knickers, and all their friends definitely know about it.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Burdenedwithpointlesspurpose on Ao3


Sure, it hadn't turned out exactly like he had planned, but Ron wasn't complaining. How was he supposed to complain when he had still gotten Harry's cock stuffed up his arse in the end? It was simple. He couldn't.

The plan had been as simple as letting himself moan like a slag as Harry thrust into his arse wildly from behind. Before they left for the party they were going to shag like bunnies on their bedroom floor. Quick, filthy and with nothing but greed as they rushed through it to still make it on time. He'd walk into Parkinson's pristine living room with a limp leaving little doubt about why they were late.

It would be perfect and do wonders to reassure Harry. Enough that he'd never doubt his seriousness of their new physical dynamic again. Admittedly was still worried that one day the public questioning of his own masculinity was going to get to him now that they were out.

At one point his boyfriend's doubt would have been valid. Ron hadn't exactly been the most self-confident teenager after all. He would have blushed redder than his hair simply acknowledging he was in a gay relationship in any form. The Prophet questioning who was the one to bend over in it? Well, it was possible he would have crawled under his bed threatening to never come back out.

Only one problem existed with Harry's concern about his masculinity now. He wasn't a self conscious seventeen year old anymore. Any fuck's he'd had left to give about anyone's opinion on him had disappeared by the time Ron had turned twenty two. At the very latest. After the battle, he'd quickly started the descent into 'I don't give a fuck what other people think' land. A beautiful place to live.

Feeling Harry's hands smooth over his hips and down onto his thighs, Ron tried to spread his legs a little more. It was a bit of a challenge with his pink knickers only stretching so far, but it was worth it when the adjustment caused his boyfriend's cock to slam right over his prostate. The result of which was a heavy groan that made his sack tighten with warning.

Ron had had the whole scene set up when Harry had come out of the bathroom dressed in his own costume. A gruesome looking cook covered in dirt and blood. He was down on all fours ready to be torn apart and eaten.

It'd been meant to be a good laugh. Ron had kept his own costume a surprise and it had had the desired result of the bloke stopping dead in his tracks with green eyes widening. He'd even felt smug watching his lips part.

Unfortunately things didn't go to plan otherwise. Ron had expected to get his arse spanked as a punishment for temptation because they'd probably be late. He'd get nails digging into the sore skin as Harry bred him like the little bunny he was. Afterwards, they'd go on their way with him limping and Harry brimming with confidence.

Harry hadn't been all that happy about his costume choice though. He was mostly concerned by the fact it wasn't much of a costume. All he was wearing were fuzzy bunny ears on his head and a pink thong that was just enough to cover his crotch. Ron had argued technically there was also a bunny tail that most would think was part of the fabric. Only the two of them needed to know that it was a butt plug meant to keep him full of his seed, hoping for a drunken shag later.

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