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Summary: Ron admits he doesn't like soft /or/ Ron and Harry discover they have kinks.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Weasleyship on Ao3


"What did it feel like when you kissed Cho?"

The question caught Harry off guard one night as he and Ron gathered their things from a table they had been sitting at with Hermione moments before. Harry placed a bottle of ink in his book bag and paused, thinking.

"It was...okay," he finally said, "You know she was crying, so..."

Ron nodded vaguely. He looked uncomfortable. Harry shouldered his bag and gave Ron one more moment of silence, then asked,


Ron looked around the room, and upon noticing that it was emptying out rather quickly, stepped closer to Harry and lowered his voice as he said,

"I don't think I like kissing Lavender."

Harry couldn't hold back his laughter, until he saw the look on Ron's face. He shut up and cleared his throat.

"Uh...sorry. Um, why?"

Ron sighed and headed for the stairwell, then paused near a window further in the corner, and Harry followed, curious as to what Ron was going to say. He looked awkward and slightly pained, as though whatever he was thinking was causing him much discomfort.

"What is it?" Harry asked, getting somewhat impatient now, frankly he was sick of hearing about Lavender, whether it was negative or positive.

"I don't...feel...anything when I kiss her," Ron replied, stammering slightly on the word 'feel.'

"Oh..." Harry said slowly, shifting slightly, "Well then break it off with her."

"I mean," Ron cut in, "Like...she's so soft and when I touch her it's like touching nothing. It's all just so...soft."

"I get it," Harry said, surprised. The fact was, these words were very familiar to him. He had felt the same way with Cho. Cho had been very soft too, and, more than anything, even the fact that she had been crying, it had made Harry uncomfortable. "I don't like soft either." Harry felt awkward and shocked at his sudden words, and when he heard them aloud, he had no idea why he had said this so softly, yet somehow...another tone had slipped in, something...guttural.

Ron picked up on the tone, raising his eyebrows, but then reset his face to neutral just as quickly, and chose to ignore it.

"So you know what I mean," he said quietly, and Harry nodded, clearing his throat. "I don't exactly know what to do about that."

"Find someone who's...not soft?" Harry suggested, smiling slightly as he and Ron both chuckled.

"Right," Ron finally said, dropping his gaze for a moment, then raising his eyes back to Harry.

And something in Harry seemed to crackle. Harry took in Ron's face. His cheekbones, his jaw, his neck. And a small voice in the back of Harry's mind was telling him...Ron would not be soft. Harry locked his gaze with Ron's, then quickly turned toward the staircase, wondering what the hell had just gone on in his mind, and why the fuck was there fluttering in his stomach?

But as Harry walked on, opening the door to the stairwell, the buzzing feeling in his body was not going away. Ron followed him up the stairs, and his proximity was making the whole thing worse. And when Ron accidentally brushed against him, he finally snapped. He grabbed Ron by the arm and pushed him against the wall.

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