Intent (You Have To Mean It)

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Summary: A wedding certificate can be an accident. But a marriage bond? You have to mean it.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to DobbyRocksSocks on Ao3


"We don't need to do this," Ron murmured, as the two of them approached the front door of the Burrow. "We can avoid this, at least for a while."

"It's going to be in the Prophet in the morning," Harry said, sighing. "I don't think that's the way to tell your mum and dad that we're married, do you?"

Ron flushed, bringing his freckles into greater focus. Harry smiled slightly at the sight. "Probably not. Mum's howler would bring the roof of Grimmauld down on us."

Harry snorted. "Most likely. I... are we telling them it was an accident?"

"What else can we say?" Ron asked, shrugging. "We weren't even dating, but we thought getting married was a fantastic idea?"

Harry ran a hand through his hair, and then shrugged. "I... I got nothing. This is going to be the worst."

"It's gonna be a kerfuffle."

"Is that your word of the day?"

Ron rolled his eyes. "Get in the house, Harry."

Harry stepped inside and then paused, surprised at what he was seeing. When Molly had owled them earlier in the day to come for dinner, there had been no mention of it being a family dinner. And yet, the house was full, and Harry could hear people talking in the kitchen too.

"Oh sweet Merlin, why?" Ron groaned, a step behind him.

"They're your family," Harry pointed out.

"They're your in-laws now," Ron replied.

Harry blinked. "Can we just... pretend nothing happened until it's just your mum and dad?"

Ron nodded. "Good plan."


Harry rubbed his stomach. It didn't matter how often he ate at the Weasley's, he always ate too much and regretted it for at least an hour afterwards.

They were all mumbling about moving themselves from the kitchen to the living room when an owl tapped on the window. Arthur, saint that he was, got up to retrieve it. He took the offering and unrolled it while the owl flew off without taking so much as a treat.


"What is it, Arthur?" Molly asked.

Arthur glanced between Ron and Harry, and then turned the paper he was holding around to show it was a Daily Prophet flyer. They came out occasionally when something big happened, but Harry never thought that it would because he got married.


To his best friend.

Silence reigned in the room for what felt like hours before it erupted. People shouting questions, Molly exclaiming excitedly, and Ron's brothers patting them both on the back. Eventually, just when Harry was considering escaping the house completely, Arthur whistled loudly to make them all shut up.

"I'll make some hot chocolate and we'll go into the sitting room," Molly said, smiling widely as she shooed them all from the kitchen. "And then you two can tell us all about it!"

Ron collapsed into an armchair, and Harry, not wanting to be far from him, dropped down onto the floor and leant against his legs. He always made sure he was close to Ron when he felt weird about something, he realised. Ron made him feel safe.

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