The Unrequited Love of a Best Friend

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Summary: Ron had been in love with Harry for a long time, but when he finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings, he was met with rejection.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to CxN18 on Ao3


Harry Potter has always been Ron Weasley's best friend, and he has been in love with him for as long as he can remember.

He watched as Harry dated other people, and seeing his friend with someone else tore him apart.

After much thought, Ron knew he had to do something before it was too late, so he decided to tell Harry he loved him.

Ultimately, he finally managed to work up the courage to share what he felt with Harry.

But Harry only smiled sadly at him and thanked him for being so brave.

At that moment, Ron's heart sank as he realized that Harry was not feeling the same way about this as he was.

Despite the pain of rejection, Ron tries to be happy for Harry and supports him in his relationships with others, including Ginny.

Ron's heartbreak was only intensified by the sight of Harry and Ginny's love for each other, but despite this, he knew that his friendship with Harry was something to cherish, even if it meant hiding his true feelings from Harry.

There was no doubt that Ron's love for Harry didn't just fade away as time passed.

But no matter how often he saw Harry with Ginny, there was no question that it hurt him.

In fact, it hurt him to the core every time he saw Harry with Ginny.

Ron couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy every time he saw Harry and Ginny together, knowing that he could never have what they had.

It was a constant reminder of the unrequited love he carried in his heart, making it even harder for him to move on.

It was a bittersweet feeling to feel so deeply in love with someone but to know that they would never be able to reciprocate the same love.

However, Ron had come to accept that he could never be with Harry in a romantic sense.

He knew their friendship was too important to risk losing, and he didn't want to jeopardize their bond by confessing his feelings again.

Instead, Ron resolved to find happiness in other aspects of his life and to cherish his deep connection with Harry as a cherished friend.

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