Lover, Come Over

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Summary: Ron and Harry, falling in love, from the perspective of other people.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to little_muffin302 on Ao3


Bill- Summer of '93

Bill Noticed things. It happens when one is from a family with seven kids, growing up in a loud and chaotic house where it was easy for things to slip through the cracks. He Noticed when it was clear that Percy was turning away from the family for good, even back as a child. He Saw when Ginny would sneak into the house after late-night flying sessions, her hair wind-swept and cheeks red with delight. He quietly observed the twins losing themselves and finding themselves again in their identity as twins. He Saw how it affected them when their mother couldn't distinguish between them. He even Noticed how seeing the twins run around took a silent toll on their mother, how she would cry over the dishes late at night.

When Ron came home from Hogwarts after his first year, excitedly yammering on about his new best friend Harry Potter, Bill saw how much Ron loved him. After all, coming from a family like theirs, Ron had never been especially noticed before. When the twins and Ron came home one morning with a scrawny, bespeckled kid with messy black hair and piercing eyes, Bill could See how he minutely flinched away everytime one of the twins moved too quickly and too excitedly. He Saw how Harry's eyes would flick back and forth from Molly to the food at meals. He Saw how Ron could see this too.

After that summer, Bill noticed every time Harry was brought up in family conversation. He Saw how Ron's ears would get pink, the flush spreading under his freckles. He saw the dedication that Ron had for Harry.

The summer of 1993 was one of the best Bill had ever had. Egypt was the coolest place he had ever been, and he had secured an internship with the Goblins at the international bank in Cairo for curse-breaking. When the family landed back in England and headed to the Leaky Cauldron, Bill noticed Ron perking up immediately when he realized his best friend would be there.

When Harry came bounding down the stairs of the Leaky, Bill saw how he threw himself into Ron's arms with all the life and excitement of someone waiting for that moment for a very long time. He Saw how Harry whispered into Ron's ear, causing Ron to flush. Curious...

Neville- March 1994

Neville had never been the sort of boy who paid too much attention to the people around him. Oh he knew that Dean and Seamus were... well. Whatever they were. He would have had to be literally blind to miss that, and even then he was sure he could pick up on the two of them.

Sure, Neville knew about Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey. How could he not? He saw how they embraced each other when McGonagall visited the hospital room. In fact, last April in third year, Neville had witnessed McGonagall kiss Pomfrey on the cheek when he was recovering from the sting of a Magical Catnip. He supposed that was why it was called catnip.

Okay, so maybe Neville paid attention to people, but so what? He had an unfortunate history of being hurt and flung to the side. It was good to be able to anticipate such things.

Late one night, Neville was reading in the common room. He was tucked away on his favorite armchair of the Gryffindor Common Room. It was huge, big enough for him to curl his legs under him whilst he read, and best of all, it was in the back corner where hardly anyone bothered him.

He was engrossed in his most recent text on the ethical growing process of Devil's Snare when he heard a commotion near the fire. Looking up, he saw that only Ron and Harry were in the common room. He saw Harry gripping Ron's hand while looking deep into his eyes. He seemed to be saying something that was making Ron a bit uncomfortable, if looks were reliable.

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