Harry Potter and The Sublimation of Homosexuality

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Summary: Harry Potter is invited to Christmas at the Weasleys' for the first time since his breakup with Ginny. A shocking moment of clarity forces him to reconsider his relationship with his best friend.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter, NevillexGinny, CharliexOC, ArthurxMolly

All credit goes to Theresa_Marxen on Ao3


Beneath his hand-knitted sweater, Harry's stomach churned.

"It won't be weird. Mum's crazy about you."

Harry fidgeted with his cuffs as Ron opened the door.

There was a blur of reddish-gold curls and holiday apron.

"Harry, dear! Oh, it's been ages! I was just telling Ron you don't come round often enough." Molly's hug wrapped him in warmth and the smell of Christmas baking.

Harry blinked, keeping tears at bay.

"Let me have a look at you."

He always had to readjust to being taller than Mrs. Weasley. Something about going home with Ron made him feel like he was eleven years old again.

She held his chin, turning his head this way and that.

"Not eating enough, as usual. Well, you've come to the right place."

She kissed his cheek and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Oh, Ronald. I thought you were going to cut your hair."

"Nice to see you too, Mum."

Ron's hair was getting long, curling over his ears and the back of his collar. The longer bits had grown golden in the sun—like the tips of his eyelashes.

"And where's your Christmas jumper, dear?"

"Think I left it in my room. I'll put it on before pictures." Ron's favorite thing about having a pro athlete sister—other than bragging rights—was the free swag Ginny sent him.

Molly tutted as she ushered them inside. "Did you bring your wand with you? Just a bit off the ends, such an easy spell. I know your father will—"

"Only way Dad would care about my hair is if I cut it at a muggle barbershop—"

Molly sighed. She handed the boys platters and shooed them out of the kitchen.

In the sitting room, Arthur was on all fours, rigging up a muggle train set to run in a circle around the Christmas tree. He was completely absorbed, trying to work out how to fix it without magic.

Fred and George were just coming up from the cellar, carrying a case of butterbeer.

Fred ruffled Harry's hair and traded Ron a bottle for a pig in a blanket.

He passed one to Harry as well. "All right Harry?"


George clapped his shoulder. "Glad you're here, mate."

"Bill and Charlie back home yet?"

"Ah, no. Bill's doing the hols with the in-laws this year. He and the missus will pop in for New Year's, I think."

"And Charlie's staying in Romania."

"Oh." Harry cast a worried look towards the kitchen. "Is your mum still—"

"She's coming round, actually."

"Yeah. All Mum ever wanted was for Charlie to settle down with a nice girl, and—"

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