Experiment Gone Wrong

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Summary: Ron wonder's how gay wizards are kept from fucking and Harry thinks he's the best

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Orphan_Account on Ao3


"Harry?" Ron's voice broke the comfortable silence that filled the empty dorm. The other Gryffindors were still in the common room celebrating their latest win against Ravenclaw earlier that day.

"Yeah," Harry didn't bother moving his curtain, Ron knew he'd taken a beating catching the snitch.

"You know how wizards and witches are separated?" Harry made a noise of understanding. "What do they do with gay wizards?" The question seemed to come out of nowhere. Harry rolled on his side and opened his curtain.

Ron was laying on his back with his hands under his head, Harry knew he was staring at the faux night sky they had learned to cast just three weeks ago. Ron's wand was dangerously close to the edge of his bed, Harry wingardium leviosa-ed it to the nightstand.

"I dunno," Harry furrowed his brow. "why?" Ron still had not turned to look at him, and as much as it annoyed Harry, he knew that Ron too had taken a beating.

"Just," Ron paused, seemingly lost in thought. "wondering." He said quieter.

"That's an awfully weird thing to just wonder about." Harry pushed his luck a bit too far.

"Bloody hell Harry, can't a guy just think?" Ron moved one hand to close his curtain, and he heard Harry sigh.

"Right, sorry Ron." He flopped back onto his back. "It's okay, though."

"What do you mean by that?" It was Ron's turn to furrow his brows. Surly Harry wasn't accusing him of being a homosexual. Was he? It wasn't like being a gay wizard was a crime, but Ron had grown up in a traditional family, so he had never even considered...

Harry broke him away from his thoughts, "If you're, y'know," Harry tried to make it sound comforting.

"I'm not a'' Ron stopped before he said anything bad. "I'm not gay." He lowered his voice, and then even quieter he added "I, I think."

"Hmm," Harry nodded even though Ron couldn't see him. "Do you want to experiment?" They both blushed, Harry hadn't meant for it to come out as an offer.

"Harry?" Ron got the hushed word out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it as an offer-"

"Would you?" Ron sounded hopeful. And god damn it made Harry's heart skip a beat.

"Ron, I" Harry took a breath in. "Yeah, with you yeah. You're my befriend-"

Ouch. Ron thought for a moment.

"And I'd do anything to help you out. Even if it's, I guess, kissing you? That is what you meant right?"

"Harry," Ron frowned. He didn't know why. Was it that Harry had called him a friend? Or the realization that he might like... guys?

Not Harry particularly.

"Could you... I mean would you, do," Ron had no idea what he was saying, but he sat up when he heard Harry rustling and then his curtain opened.

Harry sat in front of him and closed the curtain. He put a silencing spell on the bed, Ron didn't catch that though, he would have questioned if he had.

"Ron shut up." A twinge of pain shot through Ron's heart, and Harry quickly caught it. "I mean just, just tell me what you want to do. Do you want me to kiss you?"

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