A Safe Place

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Summary: Ron and Harry have to contend with that very common, totally normal issue of discovering that there's only one bed. While many would just ask for a second bed, Ron and Harry use their shared neuron and decide the only way forwards is to simply share the bed.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Coconutice22 on Ao3


Harry being sorted into Hufflepuff was something people hadn't expected, to put it mildly. Ron Weasley joining him seemed to completely blow the minds of even more people, somehow.

"Is it really that weird?" Harry said to no one in particular. He watched as Ron walked uneasily towards the Hufflepuff table to join the rest of his new house.

"First Weasley in ten thousand years to not be sorted into Gryffindor!" an older student whispered to Harry.

"Has the school even existed for that long?" one of Harry's fellow first-years asked.

"Mum's going to kill me," Ron groaned as he sat down next to Harry, not seemingly caring of the fact he'd just pushed Ernie to the side. "I don't know what came over me. One moment it was suggesting 'Gryffindor, of course'," Ron said, slipping into the deeper, croaky voice of the hat. "The next moment, I was telling it Hufflepuff, because, because..." Ron shot a miserable look at Harry.

If Hufflepuff was about loyalty, Harry felt Ron deserved to be in the house with him. They'd barely known each other for twelve hours and already Ron had pushed against generations of his family being in Gryffindor.

A house was a house, and Harry was just relieved he hadn't been told he should leave Hogwarts immediately after his Sorting Ceremony.

Things went well enough for the welcoming feast. It was really only when they got to the boys' dormitory that evening that it became apparent how truly weird this twist of fate was.

"There are not enough beds in here for all of us," Ron said bluntly, looking around the room. "Look! They've put our trunks by this one. But how do we know which of us gets it?"

"Maybe you're meant to share," Ernie sniggered.

To Harry's surprise, Ron shrugged and said, "Okay, not like I don't have brothers."

They could have and probably should have questioned it, and Professor Sprout would have immediately fixed the issue. She would have explained they set the rooms up for typical attendance numbers and it was just an oversight. But Ron and Harry, being eleven years old and not really sure what they were doing, didn't realise this.

And so, in their great wisdom, Ron and Harry decided to sleep top-to-tail in the one bed. Harry was used to minimal space, and Ron had done this with his brothers whenever they'd had a guest at the Burrow and the children had been moved around to accommodate. It wasn't a big deal.

By the start of their fourth year at Hogwarts, it was starting to become a bit more of a deal, if only because the space was getting limited in their bed. While Ron and Harry were happy to ignore their housemates and their terrible opinions, it was now harder to get comfortable in their bed.

"Maybe we need to ask for another bed," said Harry hesitantly. It was hard now in the summers when he was apart from Ron and he couldn't imagine doing that all school year long as well.

"Nah, we can manage."

Ron flipped over so that they were head-to-head on the same side for once. His arms slipped around Harry's smaller body and Harry realised they already had more space in the bed now that they were curled up closer together.

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