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Summary: Ron and Harry try to stay quiet among their sleeping dormmates.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Anonymous on Ao3


"Sh," Ron whispered into his ear and Harry tried harder to stop moaning or to at least moan into his pillow but it was hard with Ron gently rocking his body against his. Ron's body was draped over his with Ron lying on top of him, his large cock inside of him filling him up, pressing into places no one had gone before Ron.

Ron's cock was sliding in and out of him slowly, so slowly as Ron slowly rocked his clothesless body against his. Quiet. He needed to be quiet. Seamus, Dean and Neville were sleeping just a few meters away if they were too loud they risked waking up their dormmates. He had to be quiet, he bit back the moan as Ron hit a spot deep inside of him that made him want to mewl like a cat.

He never imagined that sex would be like this. That sex would feel like this. They had just started fooling around, helping each other out with hand jobs. Which had progressed slowly into this. Harry's back was sweating as he used most of his self-control not to slam himself onto Ron's cock.

"Sh," came Ron's voice again, this time into his neck sending shivers up his spine. His voice was so sensual like this, so confident. One of the few times he seemed to clear of any self-doubt was when he was buried deep inside of him and honestly, something about that just made him harder. He really wanted to rut himself into bed. Or slam Ron's cock into his ass, anything so that he could just come. Long fingers started stroking Harry's rib cage which did not help him in any way. He wanted Ron to fuck him, he wanted Ron to fuck him hard. He wanted to scream his name. He buried his head into his pillow and let out a small moan into its depth as Ron slid forward again. Ron kissed his neck softly, and Harry momentarily tried to close his legs before realizing that Ron was between them and relaxing.

"Your ass is so tight," Ron whispered into his neck before sucking his neck for a moment. Harry flushed at that. Ron was so much more brazen when they were having sex. "So fucking tight." Harry wished he could see Ron's probably flushed, sweating face. He wished that he could see his body rather than just feel it around him pinning him to the bed.

Okay, that was it, he lost.

He grabbed his wand from beside him, where he started keeping it ever since they started doing this.

"Silencio," he whispered and then took in a deep breath. He could practically feel Ron's smile in his neck. He always seemed to be the one who ended up breaking. Harry pushed his upper half up to his elbows and his lower half onto his knees. He could feel Ron reposition himself accordingly. Harry slammed himself into Ron and gasped as Ron's pace kicked up as well. Harry loudly moaned, now that he could as Ron pounded his long cock into his ass.

"Fuck," Harry moaned almost breathlessly. A hand found its way around his cock that wasn't his own and Harry knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer.

"Ron fuck," Harry moaned.

"Harry," Ron grunted as he drove himself relentlessly into his ass. pressing into Harry and making him groan even louder. Fuck, Ron was fucking him hard and fucking deep. Harry arched his hips upwards but knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

"Ron!" He yelled as Ron pumped into him a few more times before Harry lost it and came.

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