| Fragile PT. 2

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As the summer went on, Harry found much relief from Ron. And not just sexually. He found that the more he focused on Ron and less on his memories and emotions, he was much more at ease. Every day he spent with him he could tuck away new pieces of information. More opportunities to make Ron his. Fully his. The only person Ron would even see or hear. The good thing about Ron, Harry realized very early on, was that he made it remarkably easy for Harry to do. Ron like praise, and Harry gave it to him whenever he saw opportunity. Harry laid with him until he fell asleep almost every night now. Harry kissed him more, especially during the day when they could sneak away, Ron loved kissing, and always gave a small, satisfied sigh every time Harry's mouth found his.

Every single thing that he knew Ron was secretly begging for, Harry gave him. Ready to take away if necessary.

"Harry," Ron whispered one night as they laid under the covers.

Harry pulled him close and rested his chin on Ron's shoulder. "Yeah?" he said curiously.

"Do you...really...love me?" Ron asked quietly.

"Of course I do," Harry responded immediately, his brain shuffling for what Ron would like to hear, "I probably always have. I just didn't know it, yet."

"Oh," Ron said, a short, pleased sigh followed.

"Why?" Harry asked, resting his head back on the pillow.

"I dunno, I was just curious, I guess."

"Did you think I was lying?" Harry asked, his tone was slightly firm now, outwardly he seemed angry, inside he was worried Ron caught his lie.

Ron rolled over to face him. "No," he said, confused, "I just wanted to ask, that's all."

Harry propped himself up on one elbow and stared at him.

"I would never lie to you, Ron," he said viciously, "Were you lying to me? When you said it back?"

"No," Ron said, quickly propping himself up as well, "No I wasn't. It's not like that, alright? I was just thinking and...and I wanted to know." His voice got quieter as he spoke.

Harry just looked at him, watching his eyes grow more and more anxious.

"Alright," he said finally, climbing out of the be. He started to grab his clothes, listening as Ron sat up in the bed.

"Are you upset?"

"No," Harry replied, getting into his pajamas, "I'm just tired, going to go to bed."

"Oh..." Ron said, watching as Harry laid down in his cot, "Okay."

Harry turned to face the window, away from Ron, then closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

The next day started easily for Harry. After dressing and leaving the room without glancing at Ron, he went down to breakfast, greeting all the Weasley's warmly. Hermione was to arrive the following Monday. He started chatting with Fred and George about his soon to be arriving OWL results. When Ron arrived a few minutes later, Harry pulled him into the conversation. He could see the confusion in Ron's eyes.

After breakfast, Harry, Ron and the twins were sent outside to do yard work. About fifteen minutes in to weeding around the vegetable garden, Harry saw Ron heading for the shed. Harry glanced around but did not spot where the twins were. He quickly headed for the shed as well. Before Ron could open the doors Harry grabbed him and pulled him to the side where they would be hidden from the windows of the house. Before Ron could say anything, Harry kissed him deeply, enjoying the scent of dirt, sweat, and hot summer air, but remaining focused. Ron was quick to return the kiss but seemed hesitant about whether or not to touch Harry, lowering and raising his hands from Harry's waist.

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