Living Alone Together

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Summary: Ron and Harry are finally living alone with no one to bother them. Which room and surface gets christened first? Read to find out.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to audisodd on Ao3


There were several positives to finally sharing a flat with Harry and Harry only. No nosy siblings, intruding parents, third wheel Hermione, or fellow Gryffindor boys could get in their way now. That led to Ron's favorite perk - having the utmost freedom for Harry to fuck him in any room on any surface without any need to censor themselves. Cockblocking would now be an obstacle of their past and Ron couldn't be happier about that.

Harry promised Ron he could choose where and how their first shag in their new flat occurred after it was all furnished. It was a reward for finally letting Harry take care of him in all the ways he's wanted to since they got together. He didn't want money to ever be an issue for them. It took until they finally moved out by themselves with Harry suggesting they try a new dynamic that could carry over into their sex life if it made Ron more comfortable for Ron to agree. Even though Ron was reluctant to accept it at first, the thought of being completely cared for in ways nobody else has ever managed to wormed its way to Ron's groin and heart. How happy it made Harry was icing on the cake at that point.

The second Ron saw their new couch in their living room, Ron knew exactly how he was going to cash in his reward. Why not christen the couch and living room first? It was going to be a spot Harry and Ron used a lot. Ron bit his lip just thinking about being bent over the arm with his arse at the perfect height for Harry to fuck him hard, pull his hair, and make him forget every word except for Harry's name. He was so lost in his fantasy staring at the couch that he was startled when Harry came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You're staring rather promiscuously at the couch, Ronnie. Any reason why?" Harry whispered into Ron's ear. He felt Ron jump in shock, but held on tight to his lover and nipped at his earlobe.

Ron sighed with contentment and threw his head back allowing Harry to have all the access to Ron's neck he wanted. His fingers crawled their way up to Harry's hair where they tugged on it making Harry thrust his hips into Ron's pelvis.

"Harry, I know what I want for my reward," Ron whispered shyly and looked into Harry's heavily lidded eyes.

"That's a good boy. Tell me what it is you want and I'll give it to you."

"Let's strip each other down and then you can fuck me hard over the arm of the couch."

"Fuck, Ron! Are you sure that's what you want for our first time here?" Harry's movements stilled rather quickly. His hold on Ron was still iron-tight, but he was no longer grinding against Ron's perfect arse.

Ron used that opportunity to turn around in Harry's strong arms and face him. "Funnily enough, I've never been so sure of something in my life. Now, I can strip myself if you're not going to do it..."

Harry growled and quickly snatched Ron's hands from his hair with his Seeker-like reflexes. He held them tightly together above Ron's head and took a step forward. "Keep talking like that now if you dare."

Ron gulped and Harry was immediately fixated on his Adam's apple, but defiance ran through Ron's blood and there's no denying that the thrill Ron got from defying Harry was something he became addicted to the more he did it. If he were to spare a second to ever dwell on it, Ron would likely realize the fights they had during their Hogwarts years were the beginnings of this.

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