The Consequences of Falling in Love

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Summary: It isn't until Harry's on death's door that Ron realizes he's in love with him.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Webofdreams89 on Ao3


The war was over. Voldemort was dead. And Harry? Somehow he came back to life. Everything was fine, until it wasn't.

"He's not waking up!" Hermione screamed after Harry collapsed on the floor of the Great Hall. She had tears in her eyes as she looked frantically at Ron. "Ron, he's not waking up!"

With trembling hands, Ron reached for Harry's neck. It was slow, but he felt a pulse beneath his fingertips. "He's alive," he said, voice hoarse. "Hermione, he's alive." He cupped Harry's cheek and leaned down, feeling Harry's slow exhales against his face.

"Help!" Hermione yelled over the cheering the Great Hall had descended into since Voldemort's body hit the ground. "We need help!"

A tall Black witch with her hair pulled back into long braids shot forth and knelt down next to Hermione. "I'm Talia Johnson. I'm a healer at St. Mungos. I think you know my sister Angelina."

"H-Harry played Quidditch with her," Ron said. Talia gave him a quick smile even as she cast diagnostic charms over Harry's body.

"Oh, Harry," Ron heard his mum say from behind him. He felt someone's hands gently rest on his shoulders in an effort to comfort him.

"He's gonna be okay, Ronnie," Fred said next to his ear. "It's Harry. He always pulls through. Even came back from the dead for you, didn't he?"

Ron squeezed his eyes shut, unable to even begin to process the fact that Harry was dead just minutes ago.

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