| Fragile PT. 4

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"I love you, Harry."

It was the best thing to wake up to, Harry had decided. Ron's warm body next go his, eager to wake up and immediately turn around to hold on to Harry, murmuring sweet words to him. Harry thrived on it, especially the next morning. His anxious flutters were not as strong as they had been, so he allowed himself to just relax, and enjoy Ron resting on his chest as they both tried to gain some energy for the day. Their night had been a long one. Both were practically insatiable after enjoying their private win, and after finally falling to the sheets in a sweaty heap, desperately trying to catch their breath and laughing quietly, the sun was already threatening to rise.

"I love you, too," Harry murmured, trailing a finger up Ron's spine and chuckling when Ron shivered. "You made me really happy last night."

"A couple times, I think."

Harry couldn't help laughing, so did Ron. Harry was surprised at how freeing it was to be with Ron this way. Everything about Ron was so...easy. And it came in handy.

"I mean it, though," Harry said, running a hand through Ron's hair, "You were amazing. I knew I could trust you."

Ron sighed in a happy and content sort of way, resting more heavily on Harry as the simple touch relaxed him. Harry continued to stroke Ron's hair, happy to give him what he wanted for the moment. Harry figured he deserved it. They laid that way for several more minutes, just enjoying the closeness.

"We should probably go downstairs," Harry said finally, though everything in him wanted to stay there.

"No," Ron muttered against Harry's chest, making him chuckle.

"Come on," Harry said, trying to move, but Ron lifted his head and kissed him.

"No," he said again when he pulled away, smiling at Harry.

"Oh, really?" Harry replied with a smirk, very much enjoying himself. He pushed himself up to a seated position and Ron followed suit, quickly leaning over to kiss Harry.

"Let's just stay in bed all day," Ron murmured, snaking a hand under the blanket and running it up and down Harry's thigh.

Tingles shot up Harry's spine and for one brief moment he really considered it. But when he heard laughter downstairs he snapped back to reality, which was enjoying Ron's lips for a few more minutes, but had to stop when Ron's hand began to move from his thigh.

"Nice try," Harry said with a laugh, "But we really should go." He gave Ron one final kiss and climbed out of the bed.

Ron groaned, Harry shot him a stern look and reluctantly Ron got out of the bed and got dressed as well, wincing slightly as he pulled on a shirt. Harry glanced over Ron's torso for a moment, taking in the bruises. Though after last night, Harry had a few as well. Both of them had been rather emphatic and the grabbing and groping and biting had quickly gotten out of control. Harry smiled to himself as he pulled on his own long sleeved shirt.

Once they were both dressed and headed for the door, Harry paused and stopped Ron.

"What?" Ron asked, startled.

Harry smiled at him and held his face as he kissed him softly.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too," Ron replied with a smile.

"You think Fred still hates me?" Harry asked. There was a part of him that was genuinely curious. Fred hadn't said anything when he left the room the night before. Ron had been very believable, it was true, but Harry couldn't be sure.

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