Friends With Benefits

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Summary: Harry and Ron can't sleep so they find a way to wear each other out.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to RubberDucky2020 on Ao3


Harry tossed in his bed again for what felt like the millionth time.

"I know it's next to near impossible these days, but I swear to Merlin if you toss in this bed one more time I am going to kill you" Ron grumbled.

"Sorry, normally you sleep through my insomnia" he apologized.

"I think I am wound just as tight as you are" Ron huffed rolling over onto his back.

"How come?" Harry asked.

"Because I am just as stressed about this case as you are, this guy is a prick we've been chasing him for months, it's no wonder we are wound so tight" he admitted.

"I don't think anyone has gotten to me like this since Tom," Harry sighed. The use of the name Voldemort made Ron flinch and freak out.

Besides, it's what Tom would've wanted to have his pseudonym live on even after his death and Harry didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"I know" Ron rolled over so he was on his side and facing Harry and Harry stayed on his back but looked over towards Ron "But I have a way that I think can help us blow off some steam, you know, like the good old days back in Hogwarts," Ron said with a suggestive eyebrow raise.

Harry propped himself up on his elbows looking over at Ron "We haven't done that in a long time" Harry said.

"I know, things got crazy with the war and we got wrapped up in our own shit, but I mean, it's never too late to pick it up again" he suggested.

"Ron I can't...I can't be anything to you more than a friend, at least right now, I just, I wouldn't be good boyfriend material right now" he explained.

"I don't need you to be good boyfriend material, I just need you to be able to get me off" he shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Just friends?" Harry asked.

"Just friends," Ron nodded.

"Can we...can I still kiss you?" he asked, turning so that their faces were just inches apart.

"Yes," Ron nodded, flicking his eyes from Harry's lips to his eyes.

Harry leaned in and their lips met and Harry grabbed the back of Ron's head keeping him from pulling away as their tongues brushed against each other.

They both moaned.

It had been so long since Harry had touched someone.

It had been so long since Harry had touched Ron.

He couldn't have enough.

His hand traveled from the back of Ron's head to his waist pulling Ron's hips against Harry's, earning a grunt from Ron as their semi-hardening cocks brushed against each other trapped behind their boxers for now.

Harry jutted his hips against Ron earning a loud moan from Ron who arched his neck back as Harry's lips traveled down Ron's jaw kissing and sucking and licking and biting all the way down to his collarbones before releasing his hips pushing Ron onto his back and kissing his way down Ron's chest until he got to Ron's boxers.

He pulled Ron's cock out and didn't hesitate to wrap his lips around the head swirling his tongue around it and flicking the slit "fuck Harry" Ron moaned his hand pushing Harry further down Ron's cock Harry wrapping his hand around what he couldn't fully fit in his mouth.

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