Blocked, Not Broken, Never Broken

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Summary: A cute little fluffy one shot about the final battle where Voldemort's horcrux was blocking Harry and Ron's soul bond.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Violeta Lestrange (Augustina23) on Ao3


Harry had had the mark all his life, it had never once changed. Never shined, changed colors, moved. It wasn't a normal soulmark, it was a broken one. His soulmate hadn't died either, the bond was simply broken. The words were scrawled on his arm messily, curving along his wrist in an odd sort of elegance. Yet they had never changed to express his soulmate's emotions, never faded to show their death, never changed to show their meeting would be a different one. It was simply broken. He had searched and searched for an answer, yet even Hogwarts library didn't have a single book that explained what was happening to him. He hadn't told anyone, not even Hermione or Ron, he didn't want anyone to know just how different he was. How different he always was and always will be.

He stands before Voldemort hating his decision, yet understanding it further than anyone else possibly could. He would die here today, he would walk to his death willingly. Without a soulmate he barely had a future, he would watch as Ron and Hermione fell in love and got married. He would watch as everyone around him found his soulmates and had a happily ever after. He sighs as that green light envelopes him, a brief moment of hesitation and regret flowing through him just before it hits, then darkness overwhelms his senses.


He had lived. He had walked to his death, and had survived it. He gulps as his friends rush towards him, Voldemort dead at his feet. His eyes meet those ocean blue eyes as Ron gets to him first, picking him up and holding him as tightly as the red head possibly could.

"You're alive! Thank Merlin you're alive, I couldn't live without you, Harry."

Those words echo deep within him, his very soul vibrating as he stares up at those ocean blue eyes. Ron stares back at him, confusion and concern whirling in his eyes as he looks at those glazed green ones before him.

"Harry? Mate, are you alright?"

Harry gulps, tears welling in his eyes as he smiles softly up at Ron.

"I couldn't live without you either, Ron. I'm glad I never have to."

The red head chokes in response, staring at Harry in awe as both of their arms burn and shine a bright golden color. The crowd surrounding them gasps, some in awe, others in confusion. Soulmarks respond to the first ever words soulmates speak to one another, yet Ron and Harry had spoken millions of times. Never once had the bond been formed between the two men. Everyone was utterly bewildered but the turn of events, beside the man smiling up at his soulmate, if a bit sadly.

"I was one of them, Ron," Harry gulps, looking down at their shining wrists, taking off the band upon his mark for the first time in over a decade, "that was why it wasn't acting normally. It wasn't broken, it was blocked."

Ron's face crumples, "is that why you..."

Harry nods in answer, not daring to say the words aloud.

Tears escape those brilliant blue eyes as Ron leans down and rests his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Never again, Harry, you'll never walk to your death again."

"Not when I have you, Ron, never when I have you."

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