From the Depths

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"So... you okay, then?" Ron scuffed his feet on the floor, looking down. The corridor was empty, as was most of Hogwarts these days. The silence seemed like a heavy pressure closing in on Ron, and he figured Harry must have been feeling the same judging by his awkward posture. Why was this so hard?

"Yeah, fine. You know." Harry bit his lip, looking up at Ron from under the fall of his dark fringe. "Look, Ron-"

"It's all right." Ron tried to keep his tone measured. "I know you've been busy. What with... everything that's been going on." He was going to leave it there; he'd already decided that he wasn't going to moan at Harry about his absence, but now they were together, alone at last, Ron felt almost annoyed that Harry hadn't sought him out earlier. "You could have talked to me," he eventually added, against his better judgement. "You know I wanted to help, and even though I wasn't allowed to be there, you could have come to me afterwards."

Harry sighed sadly. He looked so tired. More tired than Ron could ever remember. He suddenly felt bad, and wished he hadn't said anything at all.

"I know. I'm sorry."

Ron swallowed, feeling guilty for pushing Harry so soon after Voldemort's downfall. Shit. "No. I'm sorry. Come on," he said, reaching out and squeezing Harry's shoulder quickly. "Follow me."

Harry caught his eye again, setting off an all too familiar spark in the pit of Ron's stomach. It really had been a long time since they'd spent time together alone, Ron realised. He'd missed it. Missed Harry. He wondered if things would ever be the same between them again. After all, Harry had a lot to deal with now, and it was going to take time for him to come to terms with the fact that he'd just survived a war in which so many others had died. And that he'd killed Voldemort. Strangely, Ron didn't feel as much relief about it as he knew he should. He supposed the constant exhaustion that was evident on Harry's face quelled any desire in him to celebrate like the others.

"Where are we going?" Harry said, falling into stride with Ron as they made their way towards the stairs.

"You'll see." Ron glanced sideways, and to his relief, Harry responded with a smile and roll of his eyes. "I think you'll enjoy it."

"Oooh, intriguing."

"Oh, shut up," Ron said with a short laugh, though to his dismay, he found himself having to force it.

* * *

" What are you two doing here at this late hour?" said the statue of Boris the Bewildered as Harry and Ron passed him.

"Mind your own business," said Ron, throwing the confused-looking stone wizard a scowl. He located the door he was after quickly, and whispered, "pine fresh," at it. It swung open with a soft creak, and before Boris could say anything else, Ron caught Harry's arm and pulled him through, bolting the door firmly behind him.

"Check this out." Ron led Harry into the Prefects' bathroom, looking proudly around the spotless, white marbled room. It was Ron's favourite privilege as Prefect. There hadn't been many students around since the war had broken out, so Ron had found himself spending less time prowling the halls for students out of bed in the evenings, and more time in the bathtub. Usually wondering if his family were okay, and where Harry was. Well, Ron thought, I don't need to worry about that anymore.

"Oh yeah," Harry said, staring at the wide, pool sized bathtub with a grin. "I've been here before."

Ron raised an eyebrow. "Really? When?"

Harry wandered towards the side of the tub, running his fingers over one of the gleaming gold taps that lined the edge. "Fourth year, before the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Cedric... well, he told me how to crack the mystery of the golden egg. I came here to do it."

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