Fireside Daydreams

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Summary: Harry takes a moment to appreciate Ron.....

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to PheonixofSlytherin on Ao3


The common room is crowded, but Harry only has eyes for one person.

The fire flares, its light glinting on silken auburn locks. Harry steps closer, attempting to approach without being seen. He's transfixed. Caught in a daydream that he never wants to leave.

He waits, wondering if it's possible to combust from sheer want.

Hermione takes his hand. Shakes his arm gently. "You could just tell him how you feel," she whispers.

Harry scoffs. Ron looks up, fixes Harry with surprised blue eyes.

Eyes that rapidly soften as Harry's cheeks flush.

"Or maybe," Hermione muses, "he already knows...."

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