| Mansuetude PT. 3

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Summary, Warnings, Ships and writer are the same as the previous two chapters


When Harry rolled over in his cot the next morning he immediately looked over at Ron, who was already awake and getting dressed. Harry heard several voices through the open window, drifting up from the back yard. He blinked and sat up, groping around for his glasses. He felt Ron sit on his bed and gently hand them to him.

"Thanks," Harry said with a yawn, "Damn...what time is it?"

"A little after noon," Ron responded, his face now coming into focus as Harry put his glasses on, and, to Harry's surprise, he looked very morose.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, immediately filled with concern.

Ron quickly smiled. "Nothing," he said, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes, "It's just...are you really okay? About last night?"

"Oh," Harry replied. He knew Ron was not talking about the cuts. He was talking about the woods. Where the kissing had quickly turned passionate and aggressive, both of them falling to the ground, hands everywhere; but, the second Harry's hands had gone to the button on Ron's pants, Ron had frozen, and asked him to stop. "Ron, of course I'm okay." He grabbed one of Ron's hands, "Relax, alright? We've been at this for less than a day. There's time, yeah?"

Ron sighed in relief, and relaxed slightly. But Harry could tell he didn't quite believe him. Harry squeezed his hand and leaned forward to kiss him. "You and your bloody nerves. Relax. Listen to what I'm saying. I'm fine. I'm not upset. Do you hear me?"

Ron nodded and leaned forward for another kiss but Harry placed a finger on his lips, stopping him.

"Do you hear me?" Harry repeated in a firm voice, removing his finger.

"I hear you," Ron said with a small chuckle, "Now can you just-"

Harry, predicting what he was going to say, grabbed Ron by his shirt and pulled him down. Ron, Harry quickly realized, was rather addicting. He felt good, he tasted good, he...behaved. Harry had never realized that before. But the way Ron just...did...he did everything Harry wanted him to, whether he said it out loud or not. He moved with Harry's movements, he never fought them or tried to guide him. He listened. He just was deliciously...willing.

Just as Harry was immersed with these thoughts, Ron's hands wrapped around his head, kissing him like his life depended on it, Ron's mouth was immediately by his ear, whispering three words that they had both become addicted to,

"I love you."

Harry immediately felt goosebumps all over his body and he gripped at Ron's shirt aggressively, wanting to rip it off.

"I love you," he whispered back.

A call for them from Ron's mother echoed up the stairs. Harry and Ron froze, both breathing heavily. And, slowly, Ron sat up, his face falling.

"Don't," Harry said, sitting up, "Please. Just. Stay happy, please. I just...I need you to be happy, Ron."

Ron nodded, trying for a small smile.

After Harry had dressed, they headed downstairs, where they both heard frantic yelling in French. Once they hit the last step, they spotted Fleur pacing around in the living room, angry tears streaming down her cheeks as Bill tried to calm her. Quickly and quietly, Harry and Ron slipped into the kitchen.

"What happened?" Harry asked Ginny and Hermione, who were keeping busy by making a pot of tea.

"Bill's rescheduled the wedding," Hermione whispered, "Something about the security..." her voice wavered, "It was already risky, but...I don't know. Word got out, so he changed it to be safe."

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