A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

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Summary: When neither Ron or Harry can get a date to the ball they go with the next most obvious option.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to HelloByeNevermind on Ao3


"Bloody hell, who'd thought it would be so bloody hard to get a date to the ball!" Ron exclaimed, kicking a rock as they walked towards the castle. "I mean, Harry, you're the boy-who-lived, you'd think everyone would want to go with you."
"Hmm," Harry hummed impassionately, more focused on the grass that he was currently trying the stomp to death.
"Hey Harry, you're without a date, and I'm without a date..."
"Well spotted Ron," Harry mumbled rolling his eyes.
"Well since we are both without dates, why don't we both go together? As friends of course," Ron said stumbling over his words.

Head snapping up, Harry came to a halt and looked at his friend in disbelief. Did he say they should go together? Harry stood still, his brain whirring for a good minute, however, when he saw his friend's disappointed face, he sighed.
"Of course I'll go to the ball with you Ron," Harry said smiling shyly at his best friend.
"Oh thank Merlin. Thank you, Harry."
Harry was suddenly pulled into a hug by his friends, and he had to say that he didn't mind it. After getting over his shock, Harry leant into the hug, bringing his arms up to wrap around his friend's lower back. Everything would be alright.


Getting ready for the ball was more stressful than either of them anticipated. Harry, having felt sorry for Ron when he received his very old-fashioned dress robes, had ordered him a new pair. And, luckily, they matched with his own. As a surprise for Ron, Harry laid out the dress robes on his friend's bed while he was in the shower before he proceeded to start changing for the evening.

Just as he was pulling on his shoes, Ron stepped out of the bathroom, hair slightly dripping. Seeing Ron in just a towel, made Harry's heart flutter. Harry frowned, 'that wasn't right' he thought to himself. He shouldn't be liking the way his best friend looked practically naked...

"Everything all right Harry?" Ron asked as he let his towel fall to the floor. The other couldn't help himself and his eyes found their way to Ron's ass, just before it was covered up by boxers. Snapping his eyes away as Ron turned around, Harry cleared his throat.
"Yeah, just thinking."
"You are still okay to go with me though," Ron asked, his eyes slightly downturned.
"Of course I am Ron, I wasn't thinking about that, don't worry." Not a lie.
Nodding his head, Ron seemed satisfied, and with a new spring in his step, he went to grab his disgusting, granny robes from his trunk. What? Where were his robes?

Looking up at Harry in confusion, the other smiled, tilting his head towards Ron's bed. He looked over and suddenly gasped. There, lying on his bed where a brand new pair of dress robes. Black, with dark purple trimming along the edges.
"I hope you liked them, I thought they would bring out your hair," Harry said hopefully.
"Oh Harry, I love them. You didn't have to do that for me."
"Don't be stupid Ron, I wanted to. I saw those other robes, they were ghastly. Of course, I want my date to look his best."

Smiling brightly Ron pulled Harry into another hug. A regular occurrence now. Returning the hug Harry breathed in the other's comforting scent. Pulling back, Harry motioned for Ron to start getting ready, they didn't have long until the ball started.


Sitting in the common room, Harry waited anxiously for Ron, glancing up to look at the stairs leading to the boy's dormitory at least twice a minute. Staring into the fireplace Harry sighed, he couldn't believe how far they had come. He had realised that he'd been harbouring a secret crush on his best friend, and the thought of going to the ball together made his heart sing.


Looking up, Harry's mouth dropped open in shock. Ron looked absolutely stunning.

Standing at the top of the staircase, Ron couldn't believe his eyes, Harry, his best friend and secret crush looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Ron, you look amazing," Harry said blushing.

"Speak for yourself, Harry. You look bloody gorgeous!" Ron exclaimed. Realising what he had just said, Ron's eyes widened in shock, he couldn't believe he had just blurted it out.

"Thank Ron," Harry said, his blush darkening, remaining oblivious to Ron's inner turmoil.

Walking down the stairs, the boy, no, the man held out his arm to his partner smiling softly.

"Shall we go?"


Walking down the stairs, Harry and Ron were holding hands. Ignoring the stares they were receiving, the couple smiled nervously at each other. Surveying the crowd, Harry found the other champions and he dragged Ron over to where they were standing. Both boys were shocked to see Hermione linking arms with Victor Krum, talking quietly.

"Hermione?" Harry called.

"Harry, it's so good to see you. I was wondering... Ronald, what on earth are you doing here? I told you I already had a date!" Hermione berated Ron.

Ron's eyes widened in understanding. Wrapping his arm around his best friend's waist he pulls him flush against his side.

"I'm not here for you Hermione, I am here for Harry."

Hermione's face clouded in confusion, what did he mean he was here for Harry? Did that mean...


Smiling slightly Harry nodded, before dragging Ron over to the rest of the champions who were lining up to enter the Great Hall. He couldn't wait to spend the night with Ron, as their friendship turned into something more.

(Time skip)

"I had a great time tonight Harry," Ron said while running his hands through Harry's hair, whose head was lying in his lap.

"Me too Ron, me too."

Leaning down Ron tentatively pressed his lips against Harry's, smiling at the warm feeling that filled his chest. As Ron pulls away from the kiss he glances down to see Harry smiling brightly back up at him. Suddenly realising how tired he was, Harry let out a small yawn, his nose crinkly. Snuggling further into Ron's lap, Harry closes his eyes, letting his mind dream about the life that they would have together.

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