| Mansuetude

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Summary: Harry discovers Ron's painful secret, and wants to fix it.

Warnings: Mentions of Self Harm

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Weasleyship on Ao3


"What're you doing?"


Harry laughed as he shut Ron's bedroom door. His window was open and they heard the laughter and bustle of the rest of the Weasley's, and Hermione, helping set up for Bill and Fleur's wedding. Harry had been sent to look for Ron, who was laying on his bed cross legged, staring at the ceiling.

Harry sat on his best friend's bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing he looked somewhat concerned.

Ron just shrugged. "Why spend the rest of your life with one person?"

"I mean," Harry said, his forehead wrinkled as he thought, "If you love them...why not?"

Ron propped himself up and gave Harry a dubious look. "The war is here. People are dying and being locked up and tortured. Why put your heart out there and love someone if they might just..."

Hermione's laughter rose from the lawn and floated through the window. Something flickered in Ron's eyes as his sentence trailed off, then his gaze shifted back to Harry with a sort of sadness.

"Honestly..." Harry said with a sigh, "I don't know. I think about what could happen to you two, a lot. And that's bad enough. But to lose someone you love?"

They fell silent. After a moment, Ron's lips twitched into a crooked smile.

"Are you saying you don't love me?" he asked in a mock-offended voice, raising a hand to his chest.

Harry snorted, shoving Ron's leg. "You're my best friend," he said with a chuckle, "That's.. different love, you know?"

Ron sat up, raising an eyebrow. "Different love?" He looked fascinated.

"Well," Harry said, shrugging. He thought. "You know...friend love and then...like...snogging and shagging love." He laughed at Ron's amused expression. "I don't know, okay?" He shook his head.

"Well you can kiss someone and not love them," Ron said thoughtfully, shrugging one shoulder, "I didn't love Lavender, you didn't love Cho." He shook his head, "Bloody hell, what if we die and those are the last girls we kissed?" he chuckled and Harry couldn't help laughing as well.

"So kiss Hermione," he said through his laughter. But Ron immediately stopped chuckling.

"I don't want to kiss someone who doesn't want to kiss me," he replied, his smile faltering. Then he dropped back onto his pillow, continuing with his crisis.

Harry stared at him, feeling guilty. Everything Ron was talking about, everything he was concerned about, was really his fault. Harry looked toward the window then back at his best friend. He stood and moved toward the door, and Ron barely glanced in his direction. Harry had his hand halfway to the doorknob when he turned back around.

Before he could change his mind, he went back to Ron's side and bent down, and kissed him, quickly. Then stood back up. Ron blinked and sat up.

"Now you don't have to worry," Harry said, trying to stay calm, despite the fact that his lips were tingling.

Ron sputtered a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "So was that a friend kiss or a love kiss?" he asked, tilting his head and eyes twinkling in amusement.

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