Buy Me Flowers (Don't Choke On Them)

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Summary: Harry wondered if Ron had, somehow, worked out how much Harry loved him. Or rather, that he loved Ron in a much different way than he loved the rest of his friends. But surely Ron would have just... said something? It wasn't like Harry ever intended to do anything about it—he was content with their friendship, he didn't need more. But does Ron?

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to DobbyRocksSocks on Ao3


Ron was being weird.

Harry wasn't really sure what to do with it, to be honest. He'd been hoping for a simple school year for their last—Voldemort was gone, the Death Eaters had been captured for the most part, and their lives were their own—but his best friend being weird was certainly putting a dampener on that.

Even Hermione hadn't been able to tell him what was going on, though Harry suspected she knew more than she was letting on. She always did.

Harry wondered if Ron had, somehow, worked out how much Harry loved him. Or rather, that he loved Ron in a much different way than he loved the rest of his friends. But surely Ron would have just... said something?

It wasn't like Harry ever intended to do anything about it—he was content with their friendship, he didn't need more.

Apparently, Ron didn't even want that now.

He'd taken to spending time with Neville and Ginny and Luna, rather than Ron and Hermione. It hurt that Ron had been distancing himself, but Harry supposed that if it was what he wanted, then Harry didn't really have much of a choice in the matter.

The timing though, was confusing, especially if Ron didn't know how Harry felt.

If Ron—or Hermione—were ever going to drop Harry as a friend, surely it would have been during one of their many adventures where they almost died. There had been enough of them, and every time, Harry had thought they were going to tell him that enough was enough.

That they were teenagers and they wanted to live.

That never happened, and it was confusing to Harry that now everything was quiet, Ron seemed to have decided that he didn't want to be around Harry anymore.


Harry stretched his arms out, shaking the muscle cramp from his limbs. He'd been hunched over a table in the library for the better part of his Sunday. NEWTs were approaching, after all, and since Ron wasn't around to distract Harry—or have any fun with him—he'd decided he might as well get some revising done.

He was sure that, when she found out, Hermione would be proud of him. Not that that made him feel any better. He could help wishing that he'd bothered to put in effort with other people in his year—maybe then he wouldn't feel so alone.

Running a hand through his hair, Harry groaned lightly. That wasn't true. He was friends with plenty of other people, but none of them were Ron.

"There you are!"

Harry looked over his shoulder to see Hermione hurrying towards him. She joined him at the table, sitting in the seat directly facing him.

"I've been looking all over for you!" she informed him, shaking her head. "I thought you'd be outside, it's a beautiful day."

Harry gestured to the parchment spread out in front of him. "I thought I might as well study for a while."

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