These 4 walls

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Summary: Harry and Ron discover they both desire the same thing after being sent back to their dorm... each other

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter and DeanThomasxSeamusFinnigan

All credit goes to mwells12 on Ao3


After the yule ball, Ron was put out. Him and Harry had been forced to go up to their room and they weren't going to argue with Hermione due to the state that she was in. When they finally reached the gryffindor common room they were so exhausted that they could barely see where they were going. Ron immediately started ripping off his god awful dress robes and screwing them around the room. When they reached the stairs Harry stopped at one of the boys rooms and peered in. An older boy had his girlfriend over and they were going for it in the middle of a dormitory. 

Harry stumbled back into Ron, cheeks flushed from what he just saw. He felt guilty for intruding on something so private but it also warmed him. Ron was shocked by the sudden contact and jolted backwards slightly making them both fall on to the floor. Harry landed on top of Ron and immediately realised they had made a lot more noise than they ever intended and Harry heard some other gryffidors returning and wondering about the noise. Quickly Harry got up and dragged Ron by his collar, back to their dorm and as soon as he closed the door slammed Ron into it as an act of emergency.

Ron felt strange inside. His friend which he had known for 4 years and the emotions he once felt towards him the previous year were all mixing. And now having Harry's hand pressed firmly to his chest and his back firmly to their bedroom door made him think things he shouldn't be thinking about his best friend. Harry was just trying to make sure he wasn't caught by that couple and accused of anything. However he still had another pressing matter to attend to just as soon as Ron went to sleep. Although as he looked up as his ginger friend he saw something other than his best friend staring back at him. He saw lust in Ron's eyes and he was entranced by them and not able to look away. 

They moved further away from the door until Harry trip onto his bed and took Ron with him. Ron, now lying on top of him, couldn't quite believe the situation they were in and was breathing very heavily.Both of their eyes were still fixated on one another and then they realised neither had spoken a word since their conversation with hermione earlier.  "Sorry" Harry muttered under his breath and began to move ever so slightly but Ron's strong arms kept him there and so did his thoughts.

"Goodnight Harry" Ron spoke as his face inched closer to Harry's. Neither of them were looking at each others eyes anymore but now their lips. "Goodnight Ron" Harry spoke softly as after what felt like forever their lips made contact. It was soft at first as it still felt wrong to both of them. But soon it became more deep as they both started to move with it. Ron thought back to the first time he saw Harry, actually saw him for the first time. Harry thought back to a mere hours ago when all he could think about was Cho and now all he could think about was Ron.

As their kiss deepened they started to grind into each other and at one of Ron's Harry broke the connection and moaned into Ron's mouth and his back arched off of his bed and moved even further into Ron's body.Ron felt at this moment his dick harden. He didn't believe he had witnessed anything hotter than the sight of his bestfriend beneath him completely submitting and full of lust he used to only share alone.

Ron went down again but instead of towards his lips he went into his neck and started sucking hard with the intention to mark him. Harry once again arched his back and moaned, louder this time. He gripped and scratched at his now bare back. Harry had been trying to reach his back for a while now. He had given up and simply ripped his shirt to shreds. And was now clawing at his bare back which moving in ways he hadn't thought previously possible. He felt pleasure everywhere even places he thought impossible to feel. 

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