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Summary: It started with a hug.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Weasleyship on Ao3


It started with a hug.

Now Harry and Ron had hugged before, of course. Several times, throughout their friendship. But this time...this time something was different. Maybe it was the high of winning the house cup. He and Ron had both flown and played their best. Hell, the whole team had, that was true. But after a team celebration in the locker room, a group hug, where even in a crowd Harry and Ron seemed to find each other, their hands layering, Harry's on top of Ron's across Ginny's shoulders.

But it was after that, when the rest of the team left, and Ron stood near him, hovering as he waited for Harry to change, excitedly recalling some of the best moments from their match against Slytherin. And Harry was smiling to himself because he, of course, knew what Ron needed.

"You played really well, Ron," he said, walking over to his best friend, "You really did." And savored the way Ron blushed at his words of praise.

Harry stepped closer and the electricity in the air pushed them together, the way it always did, making sure they found each other. Only this time, it seemed it wasn't their typical brotherly hug. Maybe it had been the way Harry's hands slid up Ron's back. Or the way Ron had pushed his face into Harry's shoulder. Or maybe the way Harry had made a tiny 'mm' noise.

Maybe it had been all of it. But both of them had felt it. The shift. The thought that maybe the love they had for each other wasn't brotherly at all.

When Harry pulled back he let his hands slide from Ron's back down his arms, smiling at him. Ron looked startled, but quickly smiled back. His precious, crooked smile that Harry suddenly found... adorable.

"What?" Ron asked, a pink blush creeping up his neck.

Harry dropped his hands from Ron's arms, shrugging. "Nothing," he replied, "Ready for the party?"

Even the celebration in the common room felt different. Harry felt such a pull to always know where Ron was, which ended up being fairly easy, as Ron seemed to never leave his side. And there was touching.

So much touching.

Harry put his hand on Ron's shoulder when he laughed at one of his jokes (or two, or three, he wasn't really counting). Ron gently placed a hand on Harry's back or waist when he moved around him. Their fingers brushed when they handed eachother bottles of butterbeer or the leather hip flask of contraband Firewhisky that had been brought into the room. And as the night went on they, along with several other older Gryffindors, were pleasantly buzzed. And the more they drank, the closer Harry and Ron got to each other. Bumping arms and hips as they stood in groups, legs pressed together when they sat on the couch.

People began trickling off to bed. Hermione kissed them both on the cheek with a congratulations and retired. Ginny did the same shortly after. At one point Harry wandered off to find something to eat, and as he stood at the table full of snacks, he heard a high pitched giggle, and looked up. Lavender and Parvati had advanced on Ron, who was recalling one of his more difficult saves during the game. Harry smiled at the look on Ron's face. It was always nice to see him feeling confident. And as he took a bite of a pastry, Lavender had placed her hand on Ron's arm as she giggled.

Harry's blood boiled.

And it startled him.

His first instinct was to get out his wand and hex the girl.

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