Sweet Apocalypse

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Summary: Harry and his friends are stuck in an Apocalyptic world where Muggles have enslaved or killed magical beings.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to EmeraldFalcon on Ao3


It had happened so suddenly. The war had ended, Voldemort had been vanquished and the wizarding world was finally getting back on its feet. Then a rogue death eater killed a muggle politician's kid. Caught in the act of using magic. He was gunned down in an instant but it was too late. The Muggles had discovered magic and like wildfire they spread and consumed. Wizards and witches in every continent were hunted down and imprisoned, separated from their wands. Magical creatures hunted for sport or simply put down for being too dangerous.

At first it was just confinement, then there were the experiments. Witches and Wizards subjected to torture and all manner of things so that the muggles could learn more. Then they did. They discovered how we were different and developed a way to control us. Systematically we were enslaved and collared like dogs. Women quarantined from men. Children forced into reeducation camps. Men were forced to fight. Whatever battle came, wizards led the way and were more often than not, the first to be killed in battle. Muggles didn't care, they just bred more of us. Forcing couplings until a woman could no longer do so. After that, well they were sent somewhere else, and no one knew where because they never came back.

Some families or friends are lucky enough to stick together. Harry was one of the lucky ones, well as lucky as one could get. He lived in the camp barracks with many other wizards. The twins and Ron being some of them. Draco was here as well, though he was a shell of the wizard he used to be. His once silver eyes were gray and dull from the years of war they had all seen. They tried to comfort each other, in ways only they could. The sharing of magic was one of them. They couldn't cast spells or even use magic that left their body but there were some forms even they couldn't take. The ability to share magic during intimacy was one of them.

Love and the sharing of magic was one of the few things they could always rely on. The barracks was also one of the only places they got privacy. Antimagic wires separated their tent from the others and once inside they were nothing more than squibs. So why bother watching a dog that couldn't bark? Harry stood and looked around the barracks. The cots lined up next to each other with enough space to walk between. He nodded to a few of the foreign wizards that had been sent here from other countries. That was another way they bred them, they shipped different countries across borders to ensure new blood. They new recruits were collared just like them, but wherever they were from also branded them. Cruel marks burned into their right cheeks.

He stepped towards Ron as the man came out of the showers and pulled him close.

The red head gave a soft smile and pulled him close. Ron had grown over the years, easily over six feet and muscled with years of hard work and war. Scars from old bullet holes spattered on his chest. None of them had been fatal but every time the red head had went down, Harry had felt his heart seize. Not that it wasn't the same when Ron thought of him. The muggles had picked up early that he was some symbol to his people. So the first thing they had done was made an example of him.

"Harry, you should lay down and rest Love." His voice was deep from the years that had passed.

Harry shook his head, "No, not until we get everyone settled in for the night. I am too high strung."

Ron sighed and pulled him flush and looked at the others in the barracks and just like that the barracks was cleared out. He had gained respect over the years, even his own nickname. Scarlette Furie. It was far better than Harry's own code name, his was simple, Ghost. "Come on, let's get you unwound and resting. I know just the thing." He grinned and went to his bunk and lifted the mattress enough to pull out the hidden rope they had snuck in years ago. Many of them had contraband of some sort. As long as they were never caught the higher up really didn't care and not many came into the magi barracks.

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